Institute Conditions

Exploration de la Péninsule acadienne


Payment of Program Fees

I agree to pay all program fees by the stated deadlines. I understand that failure to make full payment may result in the cancellation of my participation in the program.


I understand that having health, accident and travel and insurances is my own personal responsibility. The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine strongly encourage all participants to check with their insurance carriers to ascertain that coverage remains in effect while traveling in Canada.

Personal Health and Safety

I understand that The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine cannot guarantee my health and safety during my participation in this institute. I am responsible for acting prudently and exercising caution and common sense at all times. I also understand that I may be using different forms of transportation in order to participate in this program. I agree that The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine is not responsible for any personal injury, death, and/or loss or damage to personal property suffered by me during my participation, including periods of travel, with and independent of, the program. I release The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine, their officers, trustees, employees, and agents from any and all liability, damage, and claim of any nature arising out of, or in any way related to participation in this program, the transportation, or in any independent activities undertaken as an adjunct thereto.


I acknowledge and understand that in the event that I become detached from the travel group, fail to meet a departure van, bus, airplane, or train, or become sick or injured, I will bear all responsibility to seek out and connect with the travel group at the next destination, and that I shall bear the costs involved in contacting and reaching the travel group at the next available destination. I acknowledge and agree to accept all responsibility for loss or additional expenses due to delays or other changes in the means of transportation, other services, sickness, weather, strikes, or other unforeseen causes.


I understand that my participation in the institute on Exploration de la Péninsule acadienne is voluntary. I understand that The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine does not make any warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding participation in the program, including quality of the experience or services rendered. I further understand that The Canadian-American Center and the University of Maine assumes no responsibility and disclaims any liability for any injury, loss, damage, or expense (personal, academic, financial, or other) suffered by me by reason of my participation in this program.