Campus Planning
Envisioning Our Future
At the University of Maine, its regional campus at Machias, and across the state at our farms, forests, 4-H camps, marine research facilities, field experimentation stations, and academic centers, we will focus on ensuring a research environment aligned with R1-level activity, implementing our carbon reduction goals, centering on technology supported learning environments that are inclusive for learners of today and tomorrow, and advancing equity, belonging, and inclusion in all university spaces.
We aspire over five years to invest $1B in improvements across UMaine and Machias. The UMaine and UMM 5-year capital plan will explore every potential funding course to strategically upgrade science and engineering facilities to advance research and learning; reduce deferred maintenance; modernize living environments; increase space utilization; decrease energy consumption and the use of nonrenewable fuels; and improve athletics space as per the Harold Alfond Foundation-funded UMS TRANSFORMS initiative.