
  • Two foot cube that can fit in any home

Hydroponic Alternative Ebb and Flow System

  • The plants are moved to water using quiet linear actuators, where as a traditional systems moves water to the plants using a noisy water pump

Autonomous Irrigation and Lighting

  • Uses linear actuators to move the plant’s roots to and from the water source, with a built-in water level sensor
  • Built-in grow LED light source efficiently placed for complete exposure

Mesh Walls

  • Watch plants grow
  • Easy air exchange with atmosphere (NO NOISY PUMPS!)

Clay Pellets

  • A soil alternative growth medium to prevent mold growth and discourage pests

Grow your own fresh produce right in your home!

Schematic of Product
An image of the vegetables grown in the chamber: Spinach, arugula, and baby kale
Why this product? Hands-off use, no nutrient loss in transit, and peace of mind.
Images of the product