
The BEaR Lab compiles resources for individuals with brain injury, families, caregivers, and educational and rehabilitation professionals. Please use these resources and share them with others! To receive updates on newly available resources, subscribe to our newsletter.

Maine’s Childhood Brain Injury Resources– In partnership with the Brain Injury Association of America- Maine Chapter, the BEaR Lab actively maintains this website. While some aspects are specific to the State of Maine, many resources could be applied to various states/countries. 

State of Maine Resources

  • The Brain Injury Association of America- Maine– BIAA-ME works to increase awareness of brain injury, provide information, resources, and support for individuals who have sustained brain injuries and their families, and advocate for prevention and improved funding and services across the state of Maine. Visit their site for state-wide resources, events, and information on brain injury.
  • Maine Department of Education: Concussion Management Resource Guide– The Concussion Workgroup released these resources to comply with a state law regarding management of brain injuries in school activities and athletics.
  • Maine Shared Community Health Needs Assessment Report– The mission of the assessment is to create shared reports, engage and activate communities, and support data-driven health improvements for Maine people. The findings in the 2022 Maine Shared CHNA Reports show the most often identified priorities such as mental health, substance and alcohol use, access to care, and social determinants of health take on new meaning and an increased sense of urgency. All of these issues impact individuals who have experienced a brain injury and will help guide our lab’s work and engagement with the community.
  • Aphasia Prevalence from Stroke-Induced and Traumatic- Brain-Injury-Induced Etiologies– Updated in 2022, this flow chart shows estimates of aphasia incidence for Maine’s adults who experienced a stroke or traumatic brain injury. Estimated childhood incidence of aphasia is listed in the footnotes. Thank you to Tom Broussard for compiling this information and reaching out to the BEaR Lab for inclusion of child data.

National Resources

International Resources

  • interact-ABI-lity– An Australian-based FREE program to provide information and strategies to help you interact more successfully with people with brain injury.
  • IPBIS Toolbox– The toolbox, hosted by the International Paediatric Brain Injury Society (IPBIS), contains an overview of a wide range of tools and programs for use by professionals. The majority of the toolbox contents are free to use, with web addresses and/or contact details provided so that further information can be obtained.
  • TBI Youth Justice– A freely available resource and toolkit for and about children and youth (up to <25 years) with TBI who intersect with the criminal justice system internationally.
