
The SAUNNA NRT focuses on four core topic areas in complex systems science and applies them to solving problems in the new Arctic:

  • Systems structures and behaviors
  • Systems integration
  • Systems synthesis
  • Systems outcomes and opportunities

Our training program conceptualizes Arctic systems outcomes and opportunities using themes of

  • Resilience
  • Adaptation
  • Mitigation
  • TransformationSystems Outcomes & Opportunities graph

SAUNNA NRT trainees will develop research projects that address the following core questions

  • How do Arctic systems interact with local and broad scale socio-environmental changes in northern latitudes?
  • How do we inform policy and management innovations to improve outcomes in dynamics systems?

SAUNNA NRT trainees complete/participate in:

  • Thesis/Dissertation research grounded in a core academic discipline
  • The core SAUNNA NRT curriculum of interdisciplinary courses
    • Annual Seminar – “The Arctic”
    • Coupled Natural & Human Systems
    • Responsible Conduct of Research in the Arctic
    • Arctic Complex Systems
    • Engaging Cross-Cultural Science
    • Arctic Law & Policy
    • Resource Management in a Cross-Cultural Perspective
    • Interdisciplinary Research Seminar
  • A collaborative research project with a team of their fellow SAUNNA NRT trainees
  • A professional policy or management internship with a partner organization
  • Our annual SAUNNA NRT retreat
  • Our annual Greenland Field Experience