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Call for Poster Abstracts: Arctic Futures 2050 Conference

May 1, 2019

Arctic Futures 2050 logo

Call for Poster Abstracts

Arctic Futures 2050 Conference: 4-6 September 2019 in Washington, D.C.

Poster Abstract Submission Deadline: Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Arctic Futures 2050 Conference Website

Poster Information and Abstract Submission Guidelines

The Arctic Futures 2050 Conference Organizing Committee invites abstracts for posters. The Arctic Futures 2050 Conference—convened by the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH:—will be an international conference designed to enhance collaboration between Arctic scientists from many disciplines, diverse Indigenous knowledge holders, and policy makers from all levels of government. The conference will be held 4-6 September 2019 at the National Academies of Sciences in Washington, D.C.

Poster sessions will be held during each day of the conference as an integral part of the agenda and expansion of the plenary sessions. Posters will offer opportunities to provide specific information relevant to the main themes of the conference, including:

  • Knowledge of the Arctic environment derived from field observations, Indigenous observations, laboratory measurements, or modeling.
  • Policy initiatives, activities, and methods—from all levels of government.
  • Descriptions of what we need to know to respond to a changing Arctic from Indigenous, scientific, or policy perspectives.
  • Tools or processes for informing policy with science or Indigenous Knowledge.
  • Tools or processes for informing knowledge holders and producers about policy needs.
  • Approaches that have supported collaboration across disciplines.
  • Ideas for addressing obstacles that limit collaboration across disciplines and geographies.
  • Other topics—relevant to collaborations needed to effectively respond to a changing Arctic environment—are welcome.

In addition, you may email if you would like to present your work through another format, for example, through art or another creative platform.

Current sponsors of the Arctic Futures 2050 Conference include the National Science Foundation’s Arctic Sciences Section, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, and the American Geophysical Union. Conference partners currently include ArcticNetArctic Research Consortium of the United States (ARCUS), and the Wilson Center’s Polar Initiative.

For more information about poster abstract guidelines and submission, go to:

For more information about the Arctic Futures 2050 Conference, go to:

For more information about the conference, email Brendan P. Kelly, SEARCH Executive Director, at For questions about poster abstracts, email:


May 1, 2019
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