Seed Collection and Ash Regeneration
Why is it important to collect ash seed?
Seed collection is an important avenue to protect ash for the long-term. Collected seeds can be used for research to identify ash trees with natural genetic resistance to EAB. Also, creating an ash seed bank will allow for the possible propagation and reintroduction of ash into forests that have been affected by EAB. Collected seeds will be used for research and conservation of the species, in partnership with the Tribes of the Wabanaki Confederacy, the University of Maine School of Forest Resources, natural resources agencies for the state of Maine, the United States Forest Service, land trusts, and private landowners. As EAB spreads, it is important to collect as much seed as possible in geographically diverse locations.
Tribal artisans called for direction on how to collect brown ash seed, and in turn Emily Francis created the Ash Seed Collection Manual and this website to share information with anyone interested in collecting seed. This document and these webpages are meant to be living and updated as new information regarding seed collection, storage, and uses for seed are developed.
For directions and pictures showing how to collect seeds, please navigate to the menu item Collecting Ash Seed. Once you’ve collected seed, you can learn how to report your seed collection through the Seed Collection Map and Reporting Form, and then figure out which storage option is right for you through the Storing Ash Seed page. If you are interested in germinating ash, check out the Growing Ash From Seed section for instructions.