Do you want to get hands on experience with 3d printing? Then becoming a Lab Tech is the perfect opportunity for you. We teach you everything you need to know about the printers in our lab, before you are an official Lab Tech. So there is no need to fret if you have little to no experience with 3d printing.

Some of the printers you would be able to work with as a lab tech!

Responsibilities of Lab Techs:

  • Learn how the printers work
  • Learn how to level printing beds and load prints
  • Start prints that are on the submission queue
  • Keep the submission queue up to date with information
    • when prints are started
    • when they have finished
  • Learn how to troubleshoot printing malfunctions
  • Learn how to fix 3d printers if there are broken components

What’s the best part of being a Lab Tech?

You get hands on experience with the 3d printers and learn 10x more than if you were just a member. Being a Lab Tech is volunteer work, but that means scheduling is flexible to your needs and your availability.

If you are a lab tech, it is a great skill to have on your resume for your professional career in the near future, so make yourself stand out.

How to become a Lab Tech:

Before becoming a lab tech, you need to be a member of the club. Feel free to email us at to get in touch and ask us about our meetings!