20. Temperatures


Have students…

A) Take turns saying the poem out loud until you memorize it

0 is Cold
10 is not.
20 is warm
30 is hot!

B) Teach yourself this trick for converting Celsius temperatures to their approximate temperature in Fahrenheit.  You can practice around town when you see a bank sign displaying temperatures. You will only be 1-3 degrees off.

To convert Celsius to Fahrenheit:
Double the Celsius temperature, then add 30

Example: 17 x 2 = 34     34 + 30 = 64          17 Celsius = 64 Fahrenheit

C) If someone said to you, “It must be really cold in Canada because the temperature is only 20″, what do you reply?


  • Poster or chart of Celsius thermometer


  • If you make such a poster, paste pictures of what someone would wear at 0, at 10 degrees, etc; with a bathing suit or beach scene at 30 degrees.

Student Worksheet