School of Nursing Hosting State Summit on Nurse Education

The University of Maine School of Nursing is hosting Wednesday at Wells Conference Center a conference focusing on redefining and redesigning nursing education in view of changes in the practice over the last half century. As many as 40 directors and chairs, along with curriculum chairs and coordinators of the 13 Maine schools of nursing, are expected to attend.  The summit, “Redefining and Redesigning Nursing Education: Developing Competency Based Nursing Education Curriculum,” is sponsored by the Partners in Nursing Education and Practice (MPNEP). Paula Gubrud-Howe, co-director of the Oregon Consortium for Nursing Education and associate dean of the Oregon Health and Science University, will speak and lead sessions beginning at 9:10 a.m. Gubrud, considered a national leader in nurse education and competency criteria, says curriculum changes are necessary as the profession faces an increasing complexity of population needs.

Contact: Ann Sossong, (207) 581-3427