Analyzing GOP Fallout for Collins’ Support for ‘Don’t Ask’

Contact: Mark Brewer, (207) 581-1863

ORONO — Republican Senator Susan Collins is being largely lauded for her support of the pending repeal of the controversial “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gays and lesbians serving in the nation’s armed forces, but will there be a price for her break with the GOP party faithful?

Although U.S. Senator Olympia Snowe also crossed the aisle to vote for over the weekend to lift the ban, Collins and Connecticut independent Joe Lieberman are the chief architects of the Senate Defense Authorization bill, which the Senate approved 65-31 on Saturday, to the chagrin of conservative Republicans.

University of Maine political science professor Mark Brewer is available to discuss how Collins and Snowe’s votes may be viewed by Republicans, in addition to how their votes square with conservative constituents back home.

Professor Brewer can be reached at 581-1863 or