Focus Categories
Category | Abbreviation |
Acid Deposition | ACD |
Agriculture | AG |
Climatological Processes | CP |
Conservation | COV |
Drought | DROU |
Ecology | ECL |
Economics | ECON |
Education | EDU |
Floods | FL |
Geomorphological and Geochemical Processes | G&G |
Groundwater | GW |
Hydrogeochemistry | HYDGEO |
Hydrology | HYDROL |
Irrigation | IG |
“Law, Institutions, and Policy” | LIP |
Management and Planning | M&P |
Methods | MET |
Models | MOD |
Nitrate Contamination | NC |
Non-Point Pollution | NPP |
Nutrients | NU |
Radioactive Substances | RAD |
Recreation | REC |
Sediments | SED |
Solute Transport | ST |
Surface Water | SW |
Toxic Substances | TS |
Treatment | TRT |
Wastewater | WW |
Water Quality | WQL |
Water Quantity | WQN |
Water Supply | WS |
Water Use | WU |
Wetlands | WL |