Maine Song and Story Sampler Map

How to use: There are many different pins marking several geographical areas of Maine on the map. When you click a pin information appears including a brief description, the accession number to find the transcript, links for more resources, and appropriate photographs.  Audio or video recordings of traditional songs and stories are also available and can be downloaded as mp3s and mpegs4s.


Alternatively, you can browse through the Song and Story Sampler by place or person.

There are also a few related features that may interest you.  For educators, we have  the Curriculum Connections Series.  The curriculum was designed by Bangor High School teacher Geoff Wingard for K-12 teachers. We also have the regional Song and Story Samplers for the state of Maine. Enjoy!

The map design is a product of a collaboration between the Maine Folklife Center and a class in New Media taught by Professor Joline Blais: NMD306 Project Design Lab 2.  The Maine Song and Story Sampler is a Maine Folklife Center project sponsored by the National Endowment for the Arts.

Attention:  All materials on this website are the property of the Maine Folklife Center at the University of Maine. Anyone who wishes to use these materials must contact the Maine Folklife Center for permission and restrictions.  However, if any rights holder objects to the presentation of material on this web site we will take it down.  If you have additional information about the materials on this web site, we would like to hear from you. Please contact