MF 101 1998 Ice Storm Oral History Project
Northeast Archives of Folklore and Oral History: MF 101 1998 Ice Storm Oral History Project
Number of accession: 2
Dates when interviews were conducted: 1998
Time period covered: 1998
Principal interviewers: Edward D. “Sandy” Ives and Pauleena MacDougall
Finding aides: none
Access restrictions: none
Description: Personal stories, narratives, and anecdotes about the great January 1998 ice storm.
NA2534 Festival participants at the 1998 Maine Festival, interviewed by Maine Folklife Center staff (Edward D. “Sandy” Ives, Pauleena MacDougall, Elizabeth Hedler, and Mary Ellen Barnes), August 7-9, 1998, Thomas Point Beach in Brunswick, Maine. Tape: 6 cassettes (6 hrs). Personal stories, narratives, and anecdotes about the great January 1998 ice storm collected from festival goers who visited the Maine Folklife Center tent at the 1998 Maine Festival. Text: 11 pp. document. Recording: C 1623 – C 1628 6 hours.
NA2543 Festival participants at the Common Ground Fair, interviewed by the Maine Folklife Center staff (including Edward D. “Sandy” Ives and Pauleena MacDougall), September 25, 26, and 27, 1998, Unity, Maine. Tape: 5 cassettes (5 hours). Personal stories, narratives, and anecdotes about the great 1998 ice storm collected from over thirty-five festival goers at the Common Ground Fair. Recording: C 1634 – C 1638 5 hours.