Chytrid Taxonomy since 1960 P-Q


PALUDOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell, gen. nov. [Chytridiomycota, Halomycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 811465. Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830. 2015

Paludomyces mangrovei (Ulken) Letcher & M.J. Powell, comb. nov. MycoBank no.: 811466130.
Ξ Phlyctochytrium mangrovei Ulken, Veroff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13:227. 1972.
Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830. 2015

PARADINOMYCES  Reñé & Karpov MB#846461 [Rhizophydiales, Dinomycetaceae]. Harmful Algae. 120:102352. 2022

 Paradinomyces triforaminorum Reñé & Karpov MB# 846462. Harmful Algae. 120:102352. 2022
parasitic on dinoflagellates especially Kryptoperidinium spp., Kökar Island, Åland Archipelago,  FINLAND

PARAMICROSPORIDIUM Corsaro et al. [Cryptomycota (Rozellomycota)] MycoBank no.: 807391. Parasitol Res 113: 1909–1918. 2014
Paramicrosporidium saccamoebae Corsaro et al. MycoBank no.: 807392. Parasitol Res 113: 1909–1918. 2014
parasitic, Saccamoeba sp., freshwater pond, GERMANY
Paramicrosporidium vannellae Corsaro et al. MycoBank no.: 807393. Parasitol Res 113: 1909–1918. 2014
parasitic, Vannella sp., keratitis patient, GERMANY

PARANOMYCES Letcher & M.J. Powell [Rhizophydiales, Halomycetaceae]  MycoBank no.: 811469 Mycologia, 107: 808–830. 2015

Paranamyces uniporus Letcher & M.J. Powell,  MycoBank no.: 811470. Mycologia, 107: 808–830. 2015. Saprobic; pollen, estuarine mud flat, Delta del Parana´, BUENOS AIRES PROV, ARGENTINA
HOLOTYPE = FIG. 4E in Letcher et al. Mycologia 107: 808–830. 2015.

Paraphelidium tribonemae Karpov, Moreira & Lopez-Garcia [Phylum Aphelida Karpov, Aleoshin & Mikhailov 2014; Class Aphelidea Gromov 2000; Order Aphelidida Gromov 2000, Family Aphelididae Gromov 2000] Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology (in press) 2016. parasitic, Tribonema gayanum, roadside ditches, Novgorod district, RUSSIA

PARAPHYSODERMA Boussiba, Zarka & T. James [Physodermatales, Physodermataceae] MB#561750. Mycotaxon 118:177–180.  2011

Paraphysoderma sedebokerense Boussiba, Zarka & T. James.  MB#561751. Mycotaxon 118:177–180.  2011
Parasite; non-motile Haematococcus pluvialis

PARAPHYSODERMATACEAE Doweld IF550350. Index Fungorum no. 52. 2014

PATERAMYCETACEAE MycoBank no.: MB511776. [Rhizophydiales] Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008

PATERAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiale, Pateramycetaceae] Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008

Pateramyces corrientinensis Letcher Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
saprobic, pollen bait, small lake, Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, ARGENTINA

PECORAMYCES Radwa Hanafy, Noha Youssef, G.W. Griff. & Mostafa Elshahed., [Neocallimastigales].; Index Fungorum registration: IF552530; Mycologia 109: 231–243. 2017

Pecoramyces ruminatium RadwaHanafy, Noha Youssef, G.W. Griff. &Mostafa Elshahed; Index Fungorum registration: IF552531. Mycologia 109: 231–243. 2017. Feces of an Angus steer; Stillwater, OKLAHOMA, USA

PENDULICHYTRIUM K. Seto & Y. Degawa MycoBank # MB821132 [Chytridiales, Chytriomycetaceae] Mycoscience  2017

Pendulichytrium sphaericum K. Seto & Y. Degawa MycoBank # MB821171. Mycoscience  2017

PEREXIFLASCA Krings, C.J. Harper & E.L. Taylor MycoBank # MB819876. Geobios 56: 107–114. 2019. Fossil, possible Chytridiomycota

Perexiflasca tayloriana M. Krings, C.J. Harper & E.L. Taylor, 2017, emend. MycoBank # : MB819877, Geobios 56: 107–114. 2019. Fossil.

Perexiflasca ventricosa M. Krings et C.J. Harper MycoBank # : MB830621. Geobios 56: 107–114. 2019. Fossil.

Phlyctidium (Braun) Rabenhorst 1868 = Rhizophydium Schenk 1858; Karling: CI, Pp. 64–65. 1977

Phlyctidium anatropum (Braun) Rabenhorst 1856 Ξ Rhizophydium anatropum (Braun) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium apophysatum Canter 1947 emended by H. Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44: 522–528, figs. 1–3 & Pl. 34, figs.1-10. 1961;
Parasitic; Mougeotia; E.L.D., U.K. Ξ Canteria apophysata (Canter) Karling 1971

Phlyctidium brevipes var. marinum Kobayasi & Ookubo 1954
Ξ Rhizophydium brevipes var. marinum (Kobayasi & Ookubo) Karling; CI, p. 65, 1977

Phlyctidium bumilleriae Couch 1932 Ξ Rhizophydium bumilleriae (Couch) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium globosum Skuja 1956 Ξ Rhizophydium skujai (Skuja) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977

Phlyctidium keratinophilum Ookubo and Kobayasi 1955
Ξ Rhizophydium ellipsoidium (Ookubo & Kobayasi) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977

Phlyctidium keratinophilum var. savulescui Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian Savulescu (Bucuresti), 129–138, fig. 1. 1959;
Saprobic; human hair; rill; pasture near Rokycany, ROMANIA

Phlyctidium marinum Karling; Sydowia 20: 74–84, Pl. XII, figs. 1–8. 1967;
Saprobic; Pinus pollen; beach sand + sea water; Aukland, NEW ZEALAND
Ξ Rhizophydium novae-zelandiensis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium mycetophagum Karling 1946 Ξ Rhizophydium obypriformis (Karling) Karling; CI, p. 64. 1977

Phlyctidium olla Sparrow 1933 Ξ Rhizophydium olla (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium scenedesmi Fott; Z. Allg. Mikrobiol. 7: 97–102, figs. 1–16. 1967;
Parasitic; Scenedesmus quadricauda in mass culture; water; Trebon, CZECHOSLOVAKIA;
Ξ Rhizophydium scenedesmi (Fott) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium spinulosum Sparrow 1933 Ξ Rhizophydium spinulosum (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium tenue Sparrow 1952 Ξ Rhizophydium tenue (Sparrow) Karling; CI, p. 65. 1977

Phlyctidium tubulatum in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum

PHHLYCTOCHYTRIACEAE Doweld IF550377. Holotype : Phlyctochytrium J. Schröter 1892. Index Fungorum no. 75. 2014
Based on morphology and TEM features of zoospores from the literature.

Phlyctochytrium acuminatum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47: 991–997, figs. 71–82. 1969;
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; southwestern Ontario, Canada; Ξ Spizellomyces acuminatus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr 1984

Phlyctochytrium aestuarii Ulken; Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13: 205–216, figs. 5 & 6. 1972;
Saprobic; pine pollen; river mud, Weser Estuary; GERMANY

Phlyctochytrium africanum Gaertner 1954 (not validly published)
= Spizellomyces acuminatus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201. 1984

Phlyctochytrium apophysatum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30: 1–82, fig. 36. 1988;
Saprobic ?; Closterium; tank, garden; Lucknow U., INDIA

Phlyctochytrium arcticum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot., 48: 2279-2283, figs.1-17. 1970;
Saprobic; pollen; soil, pH 7.9; Canadian Arctic; Ξ Triparticalcar arcticum D.J.S. Barr 1984

Phlyctochytrium aureliae 1945 Ajello = Phlyctochytrium variable 1954; T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22: 249–257. 1975

Phlyctochytrium californicum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47: 991–997, figs. 23–33. 1969;
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; CALIFORNIA, USA. = Gaertneriomyces semiglobiferum (Uebelmesser) Barr 1980. Ξ Gaertneriomyces californicus (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher; Nova Hedwigia 2017 (in press)

Phlyctochytrium chandleri (IF 4:385) Sparrow; Arch. Microbiol. 104: 39–49, figs. 6–9. 1975;
Saprobic; pollen; soil; oasis, TUNISIA

Phlyctochytrium circulidentatum Koch Mycologia 61: 1021–1030, figs. 1–3, 11–17. 1969;
Saprobic; pollen and moribund Closterium; bottom debris; Ravenal Lake, NORTH CAROLINA, USA

Phlyctochytrium cystoferum Willoughby; Arch. Mikrobiol. 52: 101–131, fig. 1 a–h. 1965;
Saprobic; grass leaf bait; soil from heath; Victoria, AUSTRALIA;
Ξ Polyphlyctis cystofera (Willoughby) A. Batko; ZH, p. 183. 1975

Phlyctochytrium dichotomum Umphlett; Mycologia, 59: 1085-1096, figs. 1-41. 1967;
Saprobic; sweet gum pollen; soil + sawdust; Chatham Co., NORTH CAROLINA, USA
Ξ Kochiomyces dichotomus (Umphlett) D.J.S. Barr 1980

Phlyctochytrium dissolutum S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. India 30: 1–82, fig. 37. 1988;
Saprobic ?; Closterium; tank, garden; Lucknow U., INDIA

Phlyctochytrium furcatum Sparrow; Arch. Mikrobiol. 53: 178–180, figs. 1–9. 1966;
Saprobic; pine pollen; almost dry bog with Vaccinium; MICHIGAN, USA

Phlyctochytrium hirsutum Karling; Sydowia 20: 86–95, figs. 3–10. 1967;
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin; soil; NEW ZEALAND

Phlyctochytrium incrustans Sparrow & Lange; Canad. J. Bot. 55: 1879–1890, figs. 19–22. 1977;
Saprobic; pine pollen; bog; Emmet Co., MICHIGAN, USA

Phlyctochytrium indicum Karling; Sydowia 17: 285–296, figs. 16–31. 1964;
Saprobic; pine pollen; brackish soil; Rhamnad Dist., Madras, INDIA

Phlyctochytrium irregulare Koch; J. Elisha Mitchell. Sci. Soc. 73: 108–122, figs. 13–24. 1957;
Saprobic; Liquidambar pollen and Paspalum leaves bait; wet soils; NORTH CAROLINA, USA

Phlyctochytrium kniepii Gaertner 1954 (not validly published)
Ξ Spizellomyces kniepii Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201. 1984

Phlyctochytrium lackeyi Sparrow; Mycologia 68: 1233–1234, figs. 1–4. 1976;
Saprobic; pollen; Punch Bowl; Milford, FLORIDA, USA

Phlyctochytrium macrosporum Sparrow; Mycologia 70: 140–149, figs. 1–14. 1978;
Parasitic?; live pine pollen; neuston; Newnan’s Lake, FLLORIDA, USA

Phlyctochytrium mangrovii Ulken; Veröff. Inst. Meeresforsch. Bremerhaven 13: 217–230, figs. 1,2. 1972;
Saprobic; pine pollen and cattle hair; mangrove muds; Cananeia, SAO PAULO, BRAZIL

Phlyctochytrium marilandicum Sparrow; Mycologia 65: 1331–1336, figs. 1–11. 1973;
Saprobic; pollen; woodland soil; MARYLAND, USA

Phlyctochytrium megastomum Karling; Mycopathol. Mycol. Appl. 36: 165–178, figs. 1–17. 1968;
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves; soil; Rarotonga, COOK ISLANDS.
= P. irregularis Koch 1957 (Sparrow opinion, unpublished)

Phlyctochytrium mucosum Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89: 177–204, fig. 1, J–M. 1973;
Saprobic; pine pollen bait; soil; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC

Phlyctochytrium multidentatum Umphlett; Mycologia 61: 1021–1030, figs. 4–10. 1969;
Saprobic; sweet gum pollen; “soil & water” Chapel Hill, NORTH CAROLINA, USA

Phlyctochytrium neuhausiae (IF 4:417) Sparrow; Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 81: 2–5, figs. 10–14. 1974;
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Delphi, GREECE

Phlyctochytrium palustre Gaertner 1954 (not validly published);
? Spizellomyces palustris Gaertner ex D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201. 1984

Phlyctochytrium parasitans Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol. 89: 177–204, fig. 2, T–U. 1973;
Parasitic; eggs of Achlya flagellata; damp soil; Carretara Duarte, HISPANIOLA

Phlyctochytrium peruvianum Knox (not validly published) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VA. 1970;
= Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) D.J.S. Barr 1984

Phlyctochytrium planicorne Atkinson 1909 emended by Umphlett & Holland; Mycologia 52: 429–435. 1960;
= Rhizophydium digitatum Scherffel 1926; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. Bot. 22: 249–257. 1975
See: P.M. Letcher and M.J. Powell, 2005. Phylogenetic position of Phlyctochytrium planicorne [Chytridiomycota, Chytridiales] based on zoospore ultrastructure and partial nuclear LSU rRNA gene sequence analysis. Nova Hedwigia 80: 135–146.

Phlyctochytrium plurigibbosum D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 47: 991–997, figs. 44–52. 1969;
Saprobic; pine pollen; soil; Ottawa, ONTARIO, CANADA; Ξ Spizellomyces plurigibbosus (D.J.S. Barr) D.J.S. Barr 1984

Phlyctochytrium powhatanense (IF 4:250) Roane; Mycologia 65: 531–538, figs. 1–2, 15-20. 1973;
Saprobic; rotifer, chitin, snake skin; impoundment; Pulaski Co., VIRGINIA, USA

Phlyctochytrium punctatum Koch; J. Elisha Mitchell. Sci. Soc. 73: 108–122, figs. 1–16. 1957;
Saprobic; Liquidambar and pine pollen bait; soil; NEW GUINEA; Ξ Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) Barr 1984

Phlyctochytrium recurvastomum Knox & Paterson; Mycologia 65: 373–387, figs. 11–18. 1973;
Saprobic; pollen; soil; McMurdo area, ANTARCTICA

Phlyctochytrium rhizopenicillium Knox (not valid pub.) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VIRGINIA. 1970

Phlyctochytrium semiglobiferum Uebelmesser 1956
Ξ Gaertneriomyces semiglobiferus (Uebel.) D.J.S. Barr; Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–2394. 1980

Phlyctochytrium spinosum Sparrow; Mycologia 65: 1331–1336, figs. 12–16. 1973;
Saprobic; pollen ?; soil from spring-fed meadow; HawaiI, USA

Phlyctochytrium variable Rieth 1954; = Phlyctochytrium aureliae Ajello 1945; T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot. 22: 249–257

Phlyctochytrium vaucheriae Rieth 1956; Ξ Blyttiomyces vaucheriae (Rieth) I.J. Dogma; Mycologia 61: 1149–1158. 1969

Phlyctochytrium verruculosum Knox (not valid pub.) PhD thesis, VPI, Blacksburg, VIRGINIA. 1970;
= Spizellomyces punctatus (Koch) D.J.S. Barr ; Canad. J. Bot. 58: 2380–-2394. 1980

Phlyctorhiza variabilis Karling 1947 Ξ Entophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Cejp; Omagiu lui Traian S?vulescu 129–-138. 1959; Ξ Catenophlyctis variabilis (Karling) Karling; Amer. J. Bot. 52: 133–138. 1965

PHYSODERMATOMYCETES Tedersoo et al. [Blastocladiomycota] IF553995. 2018

PHYSODERMATALES Caval.-Sm. [Physodermatomycetes], Eur. J. Protist. 49:157. 2012

PHYSODERMATACEAE Sparrow 1952. Transferred from Chytridiales to Blastocladiales by Lange & Olson. Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 74:449–457. 1980

PIROMYCES Gold, Heath & Bouchop; Biosystems 21: 403–415. 1988; in Neocallimastigales;
= Piromonas communis sensu Orpin, 1977

Piromyces communis Gold, Heath & Bauchop; BioSystems 21: 403–-415, (figs. 1–10 in Orpin 1977). 1988;
Saprophytic; plant material; rumen of sheep. Ξ Piromonas communis Liebetanz sensu Orpin 1977

Piromyces dumbonicus J. Li (IF); Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1021–1033, figs. 2,4,9,12,13,19,23,24,31. 1990;
Saprobic; cellulosic; gut of elephant; NEW ZEALAND

Piromyces finnis O’Malley, Haitjema & Gilmore. Fungal Diversity 78: 187–193, 2016.  MB #551677. Feces of horse, Concord, MASSACHUSETTS, USA

Piromyces mae J. Li; Canad. J. Bot. 68: 1021–1033, figs. 1, 3, 5–8, 10, 11, 15–16, 20-22, 25-30, 32. 1990;
Saprobic; plant material; caecum of horse, NEW ZEALAND

Piromyces minutus Y.W. Ho; Mycotaxon 47: 285–293, figs. 1–14. 1993;
Saprobic; guinea grass (Panicum maximum); rumen of Sika deer (Cervus nippon); MALAYSIA

Piromyces rhizinflatus (IF 6:445) Breton et al.; FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 82: 1–8, figs. 1–2. 1991;
Saprobic; culture; dried faeces of Saharian ass; TUNISIA
: see Y.W. Ho & D.J.S. Barr; Mycologia 87: 656–678. 1995

Piromyces spiralis Y.W. Ho; Mycotaxon 48: 59–68, figs. 1–14. 1993;
Saprobic; guinea grass (Panicum maximum); rumen of katjang goat (Capra hircus);MALAYSIA

Pleotrachelus Zopf 1884 Synonym of Olpidium (Braun) Rabenhorst 1868; Karling, CI, p. 14. 1977

Pleotrachelus askaulos Bradley; Amer. J. Bot. 54: 577–582, fig. 8. 1967 (fossil);
Eocene Green River Formation; WYOMING, USA

Pleotrachelus bornovanus Sahtiyanci; Arch. Mikrobiol. 41: 187–228, figs. 50–79. 1962;
Parasitic; Lactuca, Spinacea, Beta, Nicotiana, Solanum et al.; soil; Ξ Olpidium bornovanus (Sahtiyanci) Karling; CI, p. 13. 1977; = O. radicale (sensu Lange & Insunza 1977); = O. cucurbitacearum D.J.S. Barr & Dias 1968. See Campbell & Sim; Canad. J. Bot. 72: 1136–1143. 1994.

Pleotrachelus brassicae (Woronin) Sahtiyanci; Arch. Mikrobiol. 41: 187–228. 1962;
Ξ Olpidium brassicae (Wor.) Dangeard; maintained as O. brassicae by Karling; CI, p. 18. 1977

Pleotrachelus virulentus Sahtiyanci; Arch. Mikrobiol. 41: 187–228, figs. 24–49. 1962;
Parasitic; Lactuca, Solanum, Beta, Nicotiana, Capsella; Ξ Olpidium virulentus (Sahtiyanci) Karling; CI, p. 13. 1977

Pleotrachelus wildemanni Petersen 1910 Ξ Olpidium wildemanni (Petersen) Karling; CI, p. 18. 1977

Pleotrachelus zopfianus Morini 1913 Ξ Olpidium zopfianus (Morini) Karling; CI p. 18. 1977

Podochytrium chitinophilum Willoughby; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 44: 586–592, fig. 2, Pl. 38. 1961;
Saprobic; termite wings; Wastwater, E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM

Podochytrium dentatum Longcore; Mycologia 84: 183–192, figs. 1–29. 1992;
Saprobic; chitin; lake, circumneutral pH; MAINE, USA

Podochytrium ellerbeckense Willoughby; Nova Hedwigia 5: 335–340, Pl. 53 a–w. 1963;
Saprobic; waterlily leaf stalks; garden pond; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM

POLYCARYUM Stempell [Blastocladiomycota, Blastocladiales] Zoologische. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 15: 591–596 plus Tafel 31. 1902

Polycaryum branchipodianum Stempell, 1902. Zoologische. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere, 15: 591–596 plus Tafel, 31. 1902 . Parasite; fairy shrimp (Branchipus grubei; Branchiopoda, Anostraca). Johnson et al. in Freshwater Biology 51: 634–648. 2006 designated Figs 1–8 [Stempell, 1902 Zoologische Jahrbucher. Abteilung fu¨ r Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 15: Tafel (Plate) 31, Figs 1–8] lectotype for P. branchipodianum and placed it in the Blastocladiales. P. branchipodianum is considered type species for genus Polycaryum.

Polycaryum laeve Stempell 1903; Archives for Protistenkunde 2: 349–363; 1903.Johnson et al.inFreshwater Biology51: 634–648 designated Stempell’s figures [1903, Archiv fu¨ r Protistenkunde, 2: Tafel (Plate) IX, Figs 1–27] as lectotype and a collection from Allequash Lake WISCONSIN, USA 26 June 2003 as epitype (New York Botanical Garden as 00705250).

POLYCARYACEAE Doweld  IF550352. Index Fungorum no. 54. 2014
Polycaryum is the only genus in this proposed family. Description contains no phylogenetic information. The genus Polycaryum is in the Blastocladiales, Blastocladiomycota.

POLYCHYTRIACEAE Doweld IF550399. [Polychytriales] Holotype Polychytrium Ajello 1942. Index Fungorum no. 89. 2014

POLYPHAGALES Doweld ( Chytridiomycetes) Index Fungorum 90:1 (2014); described from literature without molecular support. Molecular support by Karpov et al.  М И К О Л О Г И Я И Ф И Т О П А Т О Л О Г И Я 6: В ы п. 6 (2016).

Polyphagus asymmetricus Valkanov (no Latin diagnosis); Arch. Protistenk. 106: 565–568, Pl. 44. 1963;
Parasitic; Botrydiopsis; hyponeuston, southern BULGARIA

Polyphagus elegans Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5: 419–428, Pls. 74–76. 1963;
Parasitic; Ulothrix mucosum; plankton; Windermere, E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM

Polyphagus euglenae Nowakowski, For TEM of zoospores see M.J. Powell; Can. J. Bot. 59: 2049–2061. 1981.

Polyphagus hyponeustonica (Valkanov) Karling; CI, p. 174. 1977 (sp. not validated)
Ξ Arnaudovia hyponeustonica Valkanov 1963 (no Latin diagnosis)

Polyphagus serpentinus Canter; Nova Hedwigia 5: 419–428, Pls. 71–73. 1963;
Parasitic; Spondylosium spp.; lakes; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM

Polyphagus starrii Johns; Mycologia 56: 441–451, figs. 1–6, 1964;
Parasitic; Eudorina, Pandorina, et al.; Stonewall Pond, MASSACHUSETTS, USA

POLYPHLYCTIS Karling [Chytridiales]; Sydowia 20: 86–95. 1967

Polyphlyctis cystofera (Willoughby) A. Batko; ZH, p. 183. 1975; Ξ Phlyctochytrium cystoferum Willoughby 1965

Polyphlyctis unispina (Paterson) Karling; Sydowia, 20: 86–95. 1967; Ξ Phlyctochytrium unispinum Paterson 1956

Polyphlyctis willoughbyi Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytridiaceae]; Fungal Biology. 2018 (in press) MycoBank no.:  825370. Saprobic, onion skin bait, Clyde River mud, AUSTRALIA: New South Wales, Conjola, Morton National Park

POLYRHIZOPHYDIUM Longcore & D.R. Simmons [Rhizophydiales] Mycologia  ( 2021 MycoBank no.: 837540

Polyrhizophydium stewartii Longcore & D.R. Simmons. Mycologia  ( 2021 MycoBank no.: 837544
Saprobic; moribund Eriocaulon aquaticum leaf; lake, USA:  Williams Pond, Bucksport, Maine

POWELLOMYCES Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers [Spizellomycetales]; Canad. J. Bot. 73: 1385–1390. 1995

Powellomyces hirtus Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers; Canad J. Bot. 73: 1385–1390, figs. 1–18. 1995;
Saprobic; pollen bait; soil; ONTARIO, CANADA

Powellomyces variabilis Powell & Koch ex Longcore, D.J.S. Barr & N. Désaulniers; Canad. J. Bot. 73: 1385–1390. 1995; Ξ Entophlyctis variabilis sensu Powell & Koch 1977; Ξ Geranomyces variabilis (Longcore et al.) D.R. Simmons [Spizellomycetales, Powellomycetaceae] in Mycologia 103: 1411–1420. 2011 ; not E. variabilis (Karling) Cejp 1959

Pringsheimiella dioica Couch 1939 (homonym and no Latin diagnosis)
Ξ Dictyomorpha dioica Couch ex Mullins; Amer. J. Bot. 48: 377–387. 1961

PROTRUDOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales]. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008.

PROTRUDOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Protrudomycetaceae] Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008.

Protrudomyces laterale (A. Braun) Letcher. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008.
Ξ Chtridium laterale A. Braun 1855. Ξ Rhizophydium laterale (A.Braun) Rabenh. 1868.
= Rhizophydium karlingii Sparrow 1960. Letcher (2008) Epitype=GenBank LSU rDNA sequence EF585628, ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 rDNA sequence EF585668, Culture (ARG 071) in ATCCand CBS

PSEUDOPILEUM Canter [Chytridiales]; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46: 305–320. 1963

Pseudopileum unum Canter; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc. 46: 305–320, fig. 3. 1963;
Parasitic; cysts of Mallomonas sp.; plankton of Elterwater; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM

PSEUDORHIZIDIACEAE Doweld. IF550390. Holotype Pseudorhizidium M.J. Powell, Letcher & Longcore 2013. Index Fungorum no. 82. 2014

PSEUDORHIZIDIUM M.J. Powell, Letcher & Longcore. MycoBank MB801458. Mycologia 105:496–507. 2013 [Chytridiales, incertae sedis]
Type: Pseudorhizidium endosporangiatum (Karling) MJ Powell, Letcher & Longcore)

Pseudorhizidium endosporangiatum (Karling) M.J. Powell, Letcher & Longcore MycoBank MB801459. Type is Figs. 18-37 in Karling 1968; Epitype is JEL0221 at

QUAERITORHIZA Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [Quaeritorhizaceae] MycoBank MB833680. Mycologia 112:606–615. 2020

QUAERITORHIZACEAE Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James [insertae sedis] MycoBank MB833714. Mycologia 112:606–615. 2020

Quaeritorhiza haematococci Longcore, D.R. Simmons & T.Y. James MycoBank MB833715. Mycologia 112:606–615. 2020
Parasite; non-motile stage of Haematococcus pluvialis; Commercial alga facility, TEXAS, USA