Chytrid Taxonomy since 1960 A—B
Achlyogeton (doubtful member of Chytridiomycetes) See W.H. Blackwell and M.J. Powell
Mycotaxon 64: 91-99 for taxonomic summary.
AESTIPASCUOMYCES M. Stabel, R. Hanafy, T. Schweitzer, M. Greif, H. Aliyu, V. Flad, D. Young, M. Lebuhn, M. Elshahed, K. Ochsenreither & N. Youssef [Neocallimastigales] MycoBank MB837524. Microorganisms 2020
Aestipascuomyces dupliciliberans M. Stabel, R. Hanafy, T. Schweitzer, M. Greif, H. Aliyu, V. Flad, D. Young, M. Lebuhn, M. Elshahed, K. Ochsenreither & N. Youssef [Neocallimastigales] MycoBank MB837526. Microorganisms , 8, 1734, 2020
rumen content , aoudad sheep (Ammotragus lervia) TEXAS, USA
AGRIOSOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830737. Mycologia 2020
Agriosomyces longus Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef. MycoBank MB830738. Mycologia 2020
Feces of mouflon sheep (Ovis orientalis) TEXAS, USA.
AKLIOSHBOMYCES Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef. MycoBank MB830735. Mycologia 2020
Aklioshbomyces papillarum Hanafy, Vikram B. Lanjekar, Prashant K. Dhakephalkar, T.M. Callaghan, Dagar, G.W. Griff., Elshahed & N.H. Youssef [Neocallimastigomytcota] MycoBank MB830736. Mycologia 2020
Feces of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) OKLAHOMA, USA
ALGOCHYTROPS Doweld [Lobulomycetales] MycoBank 550472. Index Fungorum 123, 1, 2014
Algochytrops polysiphoniae (Cohn) Doweld. MycoBank 550471. Index Fungorum 123, 1, 2014
≡Chytridium polysiphoniae Cohn
ALGOMYCES S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Rojas & K. Seto [Lobulomycetales; Lobulomycetaceae] MycoBank MB825142. Journal of Eukaryotic Microobiology 65: 870–881. 2018
Algomyces stechlinensis S. Van den Wyngaert, K. Rojas & K. Seto. MycoBank MB825143. Journal of Eukaryotic Microobiology 65: 870–881. 2018
Parasite; Eudorina elegans; Lake Stechlin; GERMANY
ALLOCHYTRIDIUM Salkin [Cladochytriales]; Amer. J. Bot. 57: 649–658. 1970 = Karlingia; Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28: 209–229. 1976; but Allochytridium recognized by Barr & Désaulniers; see Mycologia 78: 439–448. 1986. See Mozley-Standridge et al. 113: 498–507. 2009
Allochytridium expandens Salkin; Amer. J. Bot. 57: 649–658, figs. 2–49. 1970
Saprobic; onion skin; roadside puddle; Solano Co., CALIFORNIA, USA
= Karlingia expandens (Salkin) Karling; Nova Hedwigia 28: 209–229. 1976 (This combination is not generally accepted.)
Allochytridium luteum D.J.S. Barr & Désaulniers; Mycologia 79: 193–199, figs. 1–26. 1987
Saprobic; boiled grass; beach sand close to water level; ONTARIO, CANADA
Allomyces; for review see L. Olson: Opera Bot. 73: 1–96. 1984
Allomyces (subgenus) Karling; Mycopath. Mycol. Appl. 49: 169–122. 1973
Allomyces attomyces in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol. 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Allomyces catenoides Sparrow; Mycologia 56: 460–461. 1964 (Latin description).
For figs. see: Sparrow & Morrison; Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. 46: 175–181, 2 pls. 1961
Saprobic; hemp seed; aquarium with tropical fish.
Allomyces reticulatus Emerson & Robertson; Amer. J. Bot. 61: 303–317, figs. 14–21. 1974
key to genera of Blastocladiaceae. Saprobic; house fly bait; cracked dry soil from drainage ditch; CALIFORNIA, USA
ALOGOMYCES D.R. Simmons & Letcher [Lobulomycetales, Lobulomycetaceae] MycBank no.: 519672. Mycologia 104: 157–163. 2011
Alogomyces tanneri D.R. Simmons & Letcher. MycoBank no.: 519673. Mycologia 104: 157–163 2011
Saprobic; spruce pollen; horse manure; Garland (Penobscot County), MAINE, USA.
ALPHAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 511771. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
Emended by Letcher et al. Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29. 2012
ALPHAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 511785. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008. Emended Letcher et. al. Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29. 2012
Alphamyces chaetifer (Sparrow) Letcher. MycoBank no.: 511786. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. Figs 2N–Q, 5D. 2008. ≡Rhizophydium chaetiferum Sparrow 1937
AMOEBOCHYDTRIACEAE Doweld IF550356. Index Fungorum no. 58. 2014
Published by A.B. Doweld with Amoebochytrium Zopf 1884 as a holotype. No original work presented.
Amoeboaphelidium protococcarum [Aphelidida, Aphelididae] Karpov et al. Protist 164: 195–205. 2012. Letcher et al. Plos One 8: e56232. 2013
Amoeboaphelidium occidentale Letcher [Aphelidida, Aphelididae] MycoBank No.: MB807628; GenBank accession: KJ541118. Mycologia 107: 522–521. 2015. Parasite; on Scenedesmus dimorphus from an outdoor pond used for the cultivation of algae; 10 miles west of Las Cruces, New Mexico, UNITED STATES.
Amphicypellus Ingold 1944 = Chytriomyces Karling 1945. Dogma, I.J., Jr., Philipp. J. Biol. 5: 121–142 (p. 136) 1976. Dogma lists Chytriomyces as nomen conservandum; however Chytriomyces is not listed as a conserved genus.
Amphicypellus elegans Ingold 1944 = Chytriomyces elegans (Ingold) I.J. Dogma; Philipp. J. Biol. 5: 121–142 (p. 136). 1976
ANAEROMYCES Breton et al. [Neocallimastigales]; FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 70: 177–182. 1990
= Ruminomyces Y.W. Ho 1990; described later, see: Mycotaxon 47: 283–284. 1993
Anaeromyces contortus Radwa A. Hanafy, Britny Johnson, Mostafa S. Elshahed & Noha H. Youssef; MycoBank MB821369; Mycologia 110: 502–512. feces of domesticated cow; Stillwater, OKLAHOMA, USA
Anaeromyces elegans (Y.W. Ho) Y.W. Ho; Mycotaxon 47: 283–284. 1993 = Ruminomyces elegans Y.W. Ho 1990
Anaeromyces mucronatus Breton et al.; FEMS Microbiol. Lett. 70: 177–182, fig. 1 a–f. 1990
Lectotype: see Y.W. Ho & D.J.S. Barr; Mycologia, 87: 656–678. 1995,
Saprobe; hay; rumen of holstein cows; FRANCE
Anaeromyces robustus O’Malley, Theodorou & Henske.Fungal Diversity 78: 187–193. 2016. IF 551676 feces of a sheep at the Santa Barbara Zoo, CALIFORNIA, USA
ANGULOMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 511774. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
ANGULOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Angulomycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 511779. Letcher et al.Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
Angulomyces argentinensis Letcher. MycoBank no: 511787. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
Saprobic; pollen bait; aquatic; Paichí stream at the Paraná River floodplain, ARGENTINA
Angulomyces solicola V.G. Hurdeal & E. Gentekaki. MycoBank no.: 844703. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 180: 107706. 2023
Saprobic; pollen bait; aquatic; soil sample, Mueang District, Chiang Rai Province, THAILAND.
APHELIDA Karpof, Aleoshin & Mikhailov Frontiers in Microbiology 5: article 112. 2014
APHELIDEA Gromov 2000 See: Frontiers in Microbiology 5: article 112. 2014
APHELIDIDAE Gromov 2000 See: Frontiers in Microbiology 5: article 112. 2014
APIOCHYTRIUM Karpov & Moreira [Gromochytriales] MycoBank no.: 827963 . Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66: 582–5591. 2018
Apiochytrium granulosporum Karpov & Moreira MycoBank no.: 827964. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology 66: 582–5591. 2018
Parasite of Tribonema gayanum; small pond in Kuty village, Leningrad Province, RUSSIA
AQUAMYCETACEAE Letcher [Rhizophydiales] MycoBank no.: 511773. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
AQUAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Aquamycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 511778. Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
Aquamyces chlorogonii (Serbinow) Letcher MycoBank no.: 511784.
≡Phlyctidium chlorogonii Serbinow 1907; ≡Rhizophydium chlorogonii (Serbinow ) Jacz. 1931; Letcher et al. declared Figs 3A-D and Fig 5F as epitype. Letcher et al.Mycological Research 112: 759–782. 2008
ARIZONAPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales] Mycobank no.: 511796. Mycolgical Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
ARIZONAPHLYCTIS Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales, Arizonaphlyctidaceae] Mycobank no.: 511799. Mycolgical Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
Arizonaphlyctis lemmonensis Letcher. Mycobank no.: 511802. Mycolgical Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
Saprobic; cellulose substrate; soil from dried stream bed; Mount Lemmon, ARIZONA, USA
ARKAYA Longcore & D. R. Simmons [Polychytriales] MycoBank no.: 561586. Mycologia 104: 276–294. 2011
Arkaya lepida Longcore & D. R. Simmons MycoBank no.: 561589. Mycologia 104: 276–294. 2011
Saprobic; purified shrimp chitin bait; Stillwater River, Orono, MAINE, USA.
Arkaya serpentina (Dogma) Longcore & D. R. Simmons MycoBank no:. 561590. Mycologia 104: 276–294. 2011
≡Rhizophlyctis serpentina Dogma, Nova Hedwigia 25: 58. 1974
ARKAYACEAE Doweld IF550395. [Polychytriales] Holotype Arkaya Longcore & D.R. Simmons 2012. Index Fungorum no. 86. 2014
ARNAUDOVIA Valkanov; Arch. Protistenk., 106: 553–564. 1963 (no Latin diagnosis) = Polyphagus; Karling: CI, p. 174. 1977
Arnaudovia hyponeustonica Valkanov (no Latin diagnosis); Arch. Protistenk., 106: 553–564, Pls. 40–43. 1963. = Polyphagus hyponeustonica (Valkanov) Karling 1977
Parasitic; Phacotus, Trachelomonas, Strombomonas spp.; ditch; Longoza, BULGARIA
ASTEROPHLYCTACEAE Doweld [Chytridiales] Index Fungorum 91: 1 (2014), emend Letcher & M.J. Powell in Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
MycoBank 550401
Asterophlyctis irregularis Karling; Sydowia, 20: 96–108, figs. 1–16. 1967 = Septosperma irregularis (Karling) I.J. Dogma 1974.
Saprobic; chitin bait; water containing Characeae; Lake Ohau, NEW ZEALAND. Rejected as a species of Asterophlyctis.
Asterophlyctis michiganensis Letcher & M.J. Powell MycoBank 826903. Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018
Saprobic; chitin bait, Douglas Lake, Cheboygan County, MICHIGAN, USA. Ex-type strain = JEL186
Asterophlyctis sarcoptoides H.E. Petersen 1903. = Diplophlyctis sarcoptoides (H.E. Petersen) I.J. Dogma; Nova Hedwigia, 25: 121–141. 1974. I reject Dogma’s change of this species to the genus Diplophlyctis as do Letcher and Powell, who emend (MycoBank 195453) the species; Fungal Biology 122:1109–1123. 2018. A. sarcoptoides was represented by JEL186 is in the Chytriomycetaceae (Vélez et al. Mycologia 103: 118–130. 2011) but Letcher and Powell have placed JEL186 in a new species and have named strain WJD209 as the epitype strain.
AVACHYTRIUM Vélez & Letcher [Chytridiales, Chytriomycetaceae] MycoBank no.: 801481. Mycologia 105: 1251–1265. 2013
Avachytrium platense Vélez & Letcher MycoBank 801482. Mycologia 105: 1251–1265. 2013
Saprobic; pollen bait water from Iberá Lake; Corrientes Province, ARGENTINA
BARROMYCES M.J. Powell & Letcher. MycoBank 822235. [Spizellomycetaceae] Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018
Barromyces tenuis (D.J.S. Barr) M.J. Powell & Letcher. Mycobank 822236. Powell, M.J., Letcher, P.M. and Chen, S-F. Nova Hedwigia 107: 205–228. 2018
Ξ Gaertneriomyces tenuis D.J.S. Barr, Canad. J. Bot. 62: 1171–1201. 1984
BATRACHOCHYTRIACEAE Doweld [Rhizophydiales, Chytridiomycetaceae] IF550329. Doweld, A.B. Index Fungorum no. 44: 29/12/3013.
BATRACHOCHYTRIUM Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols [Rhizophydiales]; Mycologia 91: 219–227. 1999
Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis Longcore, Pessier & D.K. Nichols; Mycologia 91: 219–227, figs. 2–30. 1999
Pathogenic; keratinized amphibian epidermis; type culture from Dendrobates azureus; National Zoological Park, Washington, DC., USA. First pure culture isolated October 13, 1997
Batrachochytrium salimandrivorans Martel, Blooi, Bossuyt & Pasmans Mycobank no.: 803904. PNAS, US 110: 15325–15329.
Pathogenic; epidermal cells; type from Salamandra salamandra; THE NETHERLANDS
BETAMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Alphamycetaceae] Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29, 2012
Betamyces americaemeridionalis Letcher MycoBank no.: 561197. Nova Hedwigia 94: 9–29, figs. 6–9, 15, 25–31. 2012;
Saprobic; pollen; vegetated roadside pond; Paraná River Flood Plain; Buenos Aires, ARGENTINA
Blastocladia arborata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 1–3. 1988
Saprobic; styles of submerged flowers of Caryopteris; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia caduca S.N. Dasgupta & R. John ;Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 36–38. 1988
Saprobic; styles of submerged flowers of Cretavea; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia coronata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 39–43. 1988
Saprobic; fruit of Eugenia jambolana bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia cristata in S.N. Dasgupta;Indian Phytopathol. 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Blastocladia didyma S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, fig. 29. 1988
Saprobic; fruit of Physalis peruviana bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia elegans S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 21–22. 1988
Saprobic; mango fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., Lucknow, INDIA
Blastocladia excelsa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, fig. 33–35. 1988
Saprobic; ripe guava fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia filamentosa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 27, 28. 1988
Saprobic; Eugenia jambolana fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia fruticosa S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 4, 5. 1988
Saprobic; Eugenia jambolana fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia fusiformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 30–32. 1988
Saprobic; stamens and pistils of Crataeva religiosa; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia globosa var. minutissima C. Manoharachary et al.; Bibl. Mycol., 91: 457–462, fig. 1D. 1983
Saprobic; unripe mango fruit bait; Temple pond; Vikarabad, A.P., INDIA
Blastocladia heterosporangia S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 44–45. 1988
Saprobic; submerged grape as bait; River Gomti, Lucknow, INDIA
Blastocladia mammilata S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 15–17. 1988
Saprobic; submerged Pyrus fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia picaria in S.N. Dasgupta;Indian Phytopathol. 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Blastocladia pileota S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 9–11. 1988
Saprobic; submerged Pyrus fruit bait; tanks; garden, Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia pusilla S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 6–8. 1988
Saprobic; mango fruit bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia sessilis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 23–24. 1988
Saprobic; jamun and guava bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladia spiciformis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John (IF 5:946); Indian Phytopathol., 41: 521–547, figs. 12–14. 1988
Saprobic; guava bait; tanks; Lucknow U., INDIA
Blastocladiella. In the opinion of A.B. Doweld (Index Fungorum no 96 . 2014) all species of Blastocladiella are in the genus Clavochytridium Doweld states that Blastocladiella was not validly published as a genus in 1937 or in 1942.
Karling established subgenera Blastocladiella, Eucladiella & Cystocladiella;
Mycopath. Mycol. App. 49: 169–172. 1973
Blastocladiella anabaenae Canter & Willoughby; Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., Ser. 3, 83: 365–372, Pls. 159–162. 1964
Parasitic; Anabaena flos-aquae & A. circinalis; Lake Windermere plankton; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM.
Blastocladiella britannica Horenstein and Cantino; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 44: 185–198, Pl. 15. 1961
For figs. see: Willoughby; Trans. Brit. Mycol. Soc., 42: 287–291. 1959
Saprobic; grass, snake skin, hemp seed; periodically inundated soil; E.L.D., UNITED KINGDOM.
Blastocladiella colombiensis Karling; Nova Hedwigia, 40: 329–340, Pls. II & III, figs. 4–34, 1984
Saprobic; snake skin, insects, rarely hempseed; dry soil; La Guajira, COLOMBIA
Blastocladiella nova-zeylandiae Karling; Sydowia, 20: 144–150, figs. 4–29. 1967
Saprobic; bleached corn leaves and snake skin; soil; NEW ZEALAND.
BLASTOCLADIOMYCETES T. James; Mycologia, 98: 860–871. 2006
BLASTOCLADIOMYCOTA T. James; Mycologia, 98: 860–871. 2006
Ant pathogen Myrmicinosporidium durum now classified in the Blastocladiomycota. See: Gorczak and Trigos-Peral. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 184: 107640. 2021
Blastocladiopsis elegans Robertson; Canad. J. Bot., 54: 611–615, figs. 1–7. 1976
= Ramocladia reticulata Sorgel 1952 (nomen nudum).
Saprobic; fly; soil; Virginia Beach, VIRGINIA, USA
Blyttiomyces Bartsch emended by I.J. Dogma; Kalikasan, Philipp. J. Biol., 8: 237–266. 1979
includes key to species. This is probably a polyphyletic genus. See phylogenetic position of B. helicus
in James et al. Mycologia 98: 860-871. 2006
Blyttiomyces aureus Booth; Syesis, 2: 141–161, figs. 15–22, 58–61. 1969
= B. laevis 1952; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. Bot. 24: 83–88. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; occasionally saline soil; Saturna Island, BRITISH COLOMBIA, CANADA
Blyttiomyces conicus T.W. Johnson; Norw. J. Bot., 24: 83–88, figs. 1–24. 1977
Saprobic; pine pollen; water & Sphagnum; stream, Lysekloster, NORWAY
Blyttiomyces exuviae in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol., 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Blyttiomyces gregarum in S.N. Dasgupta; Indian Phytopathol., 35: 215. 1982; ? nomen nudum
Blyttiomyces harderi Sparrow & I.J. Dogma; Arch. Mikrobiol., 89: 177–204, fig. 3, A–I. 1973
Parasitic; Rhizophlyctis rosea; soil; Santo Domingo, DOMNICAN REPUBLIC
Blyttiomyces laevis Sparrow 1952. = Blyttiomyces aureus Booth 1969; T.W. Johnson: Norw. J. bot., 24: 83–88. 1977
Blyttiomyces lenis S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30: 1–82, fig. 42. 1988
Parasitic; zygospore of Spirogyra; ditch, Sultanpur Road, SE of Lucknow U., INDIA
Blyttiomyces rhizophlyctidis I.J. Dogma; Mycologia, 61: 1149–1158, figs. 1–21. 1969
Parasitic; Rhizophlyctis rosea; soil sample from Petersburg, VIRGINIA, USA
Blyttiomyces spinosus S.N. Dasgupta & R. John; Bull. Bot. Surv. INDIA, 30: 1–82, figs. 38–41. 1988
?Saprobic; Spirogyra; aquatic habitat, Lucknow, INDIA
Blyttiomyces vaucheriae (Rieth) I.J. Dogma; Mycologia, 61: 1149–1158. 1969 = Phlyctochytrium vaucheriae Rieth 1956
Blyttiomyces verrucosus I.J. Dogma; Kalikasan, Phillipp. J. Biol., 8: 237–266, figs. 1–17. 1979
Saprobic; pine pollen; ciultivated soils; Sipocot, Camarines Sur, LUZON, PHILIPPINES
BOOTHIOMYCES Letcher [Rhizophydiales, Terramycetaceae]; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110: 898–915, 2006
Boothiomyces angulosis (Karling) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli comb. nov. Jerônimo et al. Nova Hedwigia 109: 399–412. 2019. ≡ Rhizophydium angulosum Karling 1968. Lectotype = Fig. 1 M-X, Arch. Mikrobiol. 61: 115, 1968. epitype = Figs. 1–11 of strain CCIBt4261 in Nova Hedwigia 109: 405. 2019.
Boothiomyces elyense (Sparrow) Jerônimo, D.R. Simmons, T.Y. James & Pires-Zottarelli comb. nov. Jerônimo et al. Nova Hedwigia 109: 399–412. 2019. ≡ Rhizophydium elyense Sparrow 1957. Lectotype = Fig. 21-M, Trans. Brit. Mycol. 40: 525. 1957. Epitype = Figs. 12–16 of strain GHJ30, Nova Hedwigia 109: 405.
Boothiomyces macroporosum (Karling) Letcher; P.M. Letcher et al. Mycological Research 110: 898–915, 2006
≡Rhizophydium macroporosum Karling, Sydowia 20: 76, Plates XII, XIII, figs 9–20 (1967)
Letcher et al. designated epitype; Mycol Res. 110: 907 figs 3 E–G, 910 fig. 6. 2006
Epitype saprobic on pollen; forest soil, from wet sclerophyll forest, Wilburforce, NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA
BOREALOPHLYCTIDACEAE Letcher [Rhizophlyctidales] MycoBank no.: 511799. Mycological Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
BOREALOPHLYCTIS [Rhizophlyctidales, Borealophlyctidaceae] MycoBank no.: 511800. Mycological Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
Borealophlyctis nickersoniae W.J. Davis, Letcher & M.J. Powell, MycoBank no.: 812261. Mycologia 108: 744–752. 2016. Saprobic; Soil from a blueberry stand with red and jack pines; Englehart, Larder Lake Road, ONTARIO, CANADA
Borealophlyctis paxensis Letcher MycoBank no.: 511803. Mycological Research 112: 1031–1048. 2008
Saprobic; pollen bait; aspen-spruce forest soil. Peace River District, BRITISH COLOMBIA, CANADA
BREVICALCAR Letcher & M.J. Powell [Spizellomycetaceae, Spizellomycetales] MycoBank no.: 822132. Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018.
BRIJAX Krings & Harper [Chytridiomycota] MB#835991. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 281:104287. 2020 Type species = Brijax amictus. Fossil species.
Brijax amictus Krings & Harper [Chytridiomycota] MB#835992. Review of Paleobotany and Palynology 281:104287. 2020 Holotype = specimen on right-hand side of Plate IV. Fossil on walls of glomeromycotan spores, 410-year-old Rhynie Chert, Aberdeenshire, SCOTLAND
Brevicalcar kilaueaense Letcher & M.J. Powell MycoBank no.: 822133. Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018. Saprobic (pollen bait) detritus; Kalapana, Kaimu-Chain of Craters Road, HAWAII, UNITED STATES
BULBOSOMYCES Letcher & Longcore MycoBank 822134 [Spizellomycetaceae, Spizellomycetales] Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018
Bulbosomyces maxikinetosomus Letcher & Longcore MycoBank 822136; Nova Hedwigia 107: 105–129. 2018. Saprobic; soil from paddock; pollen bait; University of Maine, Orono, MAINE, USA
BUWCHFAWROMYCES Callaghan, Tony & G.W. Griff. [Neocallimastigales, Neocallimastigomycota] Callaghan et al. MycoKeys 9: 11–28. 2015. IF550797
Buwchfawromyces eastonii Callaghan, Tony & G.W. Griff. Callaghan et al. MycoKeys 9: 11–28. 2015. Registration identifier IF550798.
Saprobic; anaerobic; wheat straw ; buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) feces, Panthwylog Farm, Llanon, Ceredigion, WALES, UNITED KINGDOM