
Prepharm Concentration: 

The chemistry curriculum aligns very well with the requirements for pharmacy programs. A student may complete two years of prerequisite courses at UMaine in chemistry and transfer into a Pharm D program or complete a Bachelor’s degree in chemistry at UMaine and then pursue a pharmacy degree, perhaps in an accelerated Pharm D program. The chemistry department has developed pre-pharmacy curricula that can be tailored to your individual needs. You can pick up these example curricula in the Chemistry Department’s Main office (156 Aubert Hall). You also are invited to stop by to discuss the options with an advisor.

Curriculum description for BS-prepharm concentration (1-31-15)

Sample curriculum for 2 year pre-pharm concentration (1-31-15)

Sample curriculum for 4 year BS-pre-pharm concentration (1-31-15)

Pharmacy School Prerequisites (1-31-15)

For more information about options in chemistry please contact: Dr. Barbara J. W. Cole (; 207-581-1168) Chair, Department of Chemistry Aubert Hall, University of Maine Orono, ME 04469-5706. You can also stop by to discuss the curriculum in the Chemistry Department’s Main office (156 Aubert Hall).