Ocean Technology in New England and Atlantic Canada: Promoting a Network of Collaboration
The Ocean Technology sectors of New England and Atlantic Canada are comprised of companies, institutions, and organizations dedicated to ocean and marine-related technology, education, training, research and development, promotion, delivery and application. The technology is used to deliver solutions and generate efficiencies through safe and sustainable exploration, development, monitoring and use of ocean resources.
The region boasts world-renowned institutions, companies, industry associations and cluster organizations that are engaged in providing solutions for offshore energy development, fisheries and aquaculture, ocean observation and monitoring, transportation, climate change adaptation, marine recreation and tourism, and defense and security.
This conference aims to facilitate conversations among cluster organizations with a goal to promoting integration of the growing Ocean Technology sectors in New England and Atlantic Canada towards joint R&D, product development and technology transfer opportunities.
Proceedings of the conference will be video recorded and shared on this portal.
Program Outline
April 27
Venue: Buchanan Alumni House
- 6:00PM: Reception – sponsored by the Consulate General of Canada in Boston
- 7:00PM: Dinner with opening remarks by Neville Gilfoy, Progress Magazine
April 28
Venue: Wells Conference Center, Room 1
- 8:00AM: Networking breakfast
- 9:00AM: Session 1 – Marine Food & Aquaculture and Resource Utilization
- Barry Costa-Pierce, UNE Marine Science Center
- Paul Anderson, Maine Sea Grant
- Michael Szemerda, Cooke Aquaculture
- Chair: Sebastian Belle, Maine Aquaculture Association
- 10:15AM: Refreshment break – sponsored by Maine Sea Grant
- 10:45AM: Session 2 – Offshore Energy & Marine Infrastructure
- Nate Johnson, Ocean Renewable Power Company
- Habib Dagher, UMaine Advanced Structures & Composites Center
- Bruce Colbourne, Memorial University Dept. of Ocean & Naval Architectural Engineering
- Chair: Krish Thiagarajan, UMaine Ocean Engineering
- 12:00PM: Lunch
- Opening remarks: Emily A. Haddad, Dean, UMaine College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
- Plenary speaker: US Senator Angus King
- Plenary speaker: Dr. Charles Norchi, Center for Oceans & Coastal Law at University of Maine School of Law
- 1:00PM: Session 3 – Ocean Observation & Science
- George Kendrick, Stantec
- Doug Schillinger, RBR, Ltd.
- Neal Pettigrew, UMaine School of Marine Sciences
- Chair: Erin Donahue, Consulate General of Canada in Boston
- 2:15PM: Session 4 – Marine Transportation
- Larus Isfeld, Eimskip
- John H. Henshaw, Maine Port Authority
- Donald Cormier, Bay Ferries Limited
- Chair: Dana Eidsness, Maine North Atlantic Development Office
- 3:30PM: Conference concludes
- 4:00PM: Tour of Harold Alfond W2 Ocean Engineering Lab
Staying in the Bangor/Orono area
We recommend the Hilton Garden Inn. When booking, mention that you are with the Maine International Trade Center to take advantage of their $125 corporate rate! We also recommend the Hampton Inn (near the Hilton) or the University Inn in Orono. Click here for additional lodging options.
A list of favorite Orono restaurants may be found here.
For a comprehensive Bangor Area guide, try Visit Greater Bangor Maine. A similar guide for Orono is available from the Orono Village Association.
Disclaimer: The information and recommendations in the above linked pages do not represent the views of the Canadian-American Center, Maine International Trade Center, or any of the 2016 Ocean Technology Conference sponsors.
Locations & Parking
The dinner and keynote speech on Wednesday evening, 4/27, will take place in the Buchanan Alumni House. Parking is available on-site.
Conference proceedings on Thursday, 4/28, will occur at Wells Conference Center. Designated parking will be available for registered attendees in the nearby Dunn and Corbett lots.
Student Discounts
We offer discounted rates for students wishing to attend the 2016 Ocean Technology conference.
- Any student with a valid college ID may register for $20 through our normal registration portal.
- University of Maine System students may attend conference sessions (April 28th only) for free. If interested, please contact Stephanie Crosby.