Weed Master Project

Weed Master Video Update!

We are wrapping up the final reports for our NE SARE-funded project that supported our on-farm trials of the Weed Master.  In addition to inspiring this blog, we used this project as a test case for using video to capture the on-farm trials and experiences of participating growers and our research group.  Tavi Merrill, who […]

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A Look Back at Hand Weeding Tools

In preparation for some fall meetings I spent some time recently looking for other examples of hand weeding tools and, thanks to the scanning efforts of Google, happened upon some fantastic advertisements from the 1919 issues of The Garden Magazine. It would seem that we could have initiated the Weed Master Project nearly a century […]

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A Look Back at Hand Weeding Tools

In preparation for some fall meetings I spent some time recently looking for other examples of hand weeding tools and, thanks to the scanning efforts of Google, happened upon some fantastic advertisements from the 1919 issues of The Garden Magazine. It would seem that we could have initiated the Weed Master Project nearly a century […]

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Farm Training Project Workshop

June 16, 2009 Peacemeal Farm, Dixmont, Maine There was an impressive turnout Tuesday evening for the Weed Management workshop at the Peacemeal farm.  Part of the Farm Training Project Workshop program organized for farm apprentices, and others, by MOFGA, the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, the presentations, demonstrations and field tour for this session […]

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Farm Training Project Workshop

June 16, 2009 Peacemeal Farm, Dixmont, Maine There was an impressive turnout Tuesday evening for the Weed Management workshop at the Peacemeal farm.  Part of the Farm Training Project Workshop program organized for farm apprentices, and others, by MOFGA, the Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association, the presentations, demonstrations and field tour for this session […]

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Fail Better Farm, Montville

June 2 and 3, 2009 We visited Clayton Carter, Fail Better Farm, Montville, Maine, this week to test the Weed Master in several crops on his diverse organic vegetable farm. Here are some images from these tests; I’ll update the post further next week.

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Finger-weeding Onions at Fisher Farm

22 May 2009 We headed to the Fisher Farm in Winterport, Maine, Friday morning to meet Beth Haines, Dennis and Joe Fisher, and found perfect conditions for cultivating onions.  Hot, dry weather, level beds, and straight rows of onions.   Particularly convenient was the fact that there were two-rows per bed so it was not […]

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Finger-weeding Onions at Fisher Farm

22 May 2009 We headed to the Fisher Farm in Winterport, Maine, Friday morning to meet Beth Haines, Dennis and Joe Fisher, and found perfect conditions for cultivating onions.  Hot, dry weather, level beds, and straight rows of onions.   Particularly convenient was the fact that there were two-rows per bed so it was not […]

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Finger-weeding Onions at Fisher Farm

22 May 2009 We headed to the Fisher Farm in Winterport, Maine, Friday morning to meet Beth Haines, Dennis and Joe Fisher, and found perfect conditions for cultivating onions.  Hot, dry weather, level beds, and straight rows of onions.   Particularly convenient was the fact that there were two-rows per bed so it was not […]

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