Check In | 2 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Meet us at the Info Booth of the Memorial Union to pick up your welcome goodies, collect your parking pass, and meet our team!
Relaxation Station | 2 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Stop by the Union to unwind, decompress, snag a turn in the massage chairs, and grab some coffee or snacks before heading back out into our events!
Bookstore Sale | 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.
The Bookstore will be specially open on this Saturday just for Family and Friends Weekend! hint hint… your parking pass includes a coupon to the bookstore!
Recreation Center Drop In | 2 p.m. – 10 p.m.
Drop by the Recreation Center to check out all their services, get your workout in, or see what your students can use all year round!
Friday Night Socials | 5 p.m.
Join different campus partners around campus to connect with families that share similar identities to yours! Socials include:
- Multicultural
- First Generation Students
- with more to come!
Enrollment Management Social | 5 p.m.
The Office of Admissions invites you for finger foods and a cash bar on the Mall (by Fogler Library) under the big tent! Come reconnect with their team as you catch up with your student!
207 Concert Series | 6 – 9 p.m.
Three bands will hit the stage at the IMRC in the Stewart Quad. Join us for a rocking good show, hosted by the University of Maine Student Government!
*Painting & Sip | 7 p.m. – SOLD OUT
Join with your student for a fun and creative way to connect! Tickets are available for purchase for the first 100 seats. Tickets may be bought by clicking on this link. Your ticket ($20) will include all your supplies (canvas, brushes, paint, water, etc) as well as the dedicated instruction from the artist and their team! We will provide snacks to munch on. Beer/wine/soda and other snacks will be available for purchase at this event!
Chats by the Campfire | 7 p.m. – 9 p.m.
Grab a s’mores kit, find your nearest hay bale and just relax with your family. This is a great opportunity to catch up with your student after a long day of travel.
Late Night Trivia | 9 p.m. – 11 p.m.
Test out your trivia knowledge at our Late Night at the U program: Trivia! Pub food and drinks will be available if you desire. Late Night at the U is our weekly series for students to get involved. Typically events happen Wednesday – Saturday.
*Planetarium Shows | Various times
Step into space with these various astronomy shows! Information can be found at: astro.umaine.edu/
Check In | 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Meet us at the Info Booth of the Memorial Union to pick up your welcome goodies, collect your parking pass, and meet our team!
Relaxation Station | 8 a.m. – 11 p.m.
Stop by the Union to unwind, decompress, snag a turn in the massage chairs, and grab some coffee or snacks before heading back out into our events!
Local Farmers Market | 8 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Hang with the locals in the Steam plant Lot for a faculty and staff favorite, the Orono Farmers Market!
Bookstore Sale | 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
The Bookstore will be specially open on this Saturday just for Family and Friends Weekend! hint hint… your parking pass includes a coupon to the bookstore!
Family Block Party| 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Presented by Alpenglow, join us on the mall for events and activities geared towards all ages in your family! Activities you can expect:
- *Food Trucks
- Wild Cow Creamery
- Red Barn
- Little Red Snack Shack
- Wanderlust
- with more to come!
- Street Performers
- Chainsaw artist
- Student performance groups
- Local bands
- Family Fun
- Interactive Games
- Speed caricature artist
- Axe Throwing
- Family Corn Hole Tournament
- Service Project
- Create dog toys with the Bodwell Center!
Small Business Saturday | 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Shop around at our small businesses (made up of students, faculty, and staff members). If you are a student or staff member interested in being a vendor, please contact Benjamin Evans.
*UMaine vs Villanova | 1 p.m.
Let us take you to a local orchard for all your pumpkin, apple, cider, and donut needs! The trip is on us, FCFS. Meet at the Information Booth in the Union!
Paddle Fest | 12 – 4 p.m.
Snag a board and paddle on the Stillwater River with Maine Bound Adventure Center. Join us in the Steamplant Lot!
Magician | 8 p.m.
Join us for a family friendly yet hilarious Magician: Trent James! Doors open at 7:30 p.m. The show is in Neville Hall!
*Planetarium Shows | Various times
Step into space with these various astronomy shows! Information can be found at: astro.umaine.edu/
Recreation Center Drop In | 5 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Drop by the Recreation Center to check out all their services, get your workout in, or see what your students can use all year round!
*Move Your Phi’t | NEW TIME: 11 a.m.
5k and fun run hosted by Alpha Phi. Sign up by clicking this link.
Educational Sessions | 9 – 11 a.m.
We know most students and families did not get the traditional orientation experience. Join some of our campus partners to ask your burning questions and learn what their office has to offer!
- Financial Aid (9 a.m.)
- Residence Life/Counseling Center (10 a.m.)
- Study Abroad (11 a.m.)
All sessions take place in Williams Hall 130
Farewell Breakfast | On your own!
Grab breakfast (or maybe lunch depending on when your student wakes up) in a dining hall of their choosing as a way to wish them farewell!
Open Skate | 9 – 10 a.m.
Grab a free pair of ice skates and slip onto the ice in the famous Alfond Arena