Brightspace resources


Getting to it

UMaine Portal Access: choose UMaine Portal Login to login in with your email and password, then choose Brightspace or Zoom from the launchpad.

Screenshot of MaineStreet Launchpad

The UMaine Portal is also where you can find your gmail, GoogleDrive, Fogler library, and many other useful links all in one place. Click around on the icons to discover what is there.

URLs if not accessing through portal:

UMaine Zoom information here:

Brightspace Login:

In Brightspace you will see Zoom listed on the navigation bar, (or nav bar)

Screenshot of nav bar with zoom highlighted


UMaine Online Support:

IT Help Desk:

Brightspace Student Video Tutorials:

Brightspace short video tutorials for most tasks

Brightspace Student Documentation:

Getting started in Brightspace – Learners

Brightspace Instructions for navigating courses

Does Brightspace have some kind of centralized calendar system?

It does, and there is a video tutorial that shows students how to use it and integrate it with another calendar system if they wish. Here the link to the Manage Your Calendar Brightspace Training Video