

A selected list of publications is below. A full list can be found on Google Scholar.

Dimkovikj, V.H., M.D. Staudinger, H. Legett, C.A.M. France, M. Vecchione. 2025. Using stable isotopes from museum specimens of Illex illecebrosus to infer trophic changes across pre-industrial to modern eras of New England fisheries. Marine Biology,  172(1): 1-16.

Mattocks, S.M., S. Bittner, V. Luzanau, H. Mohammadi, A.H. Roy, M.D. Staudinger, A. Jordaan. 2024. River Herring Influence Perch Morphology, Physiology, and Life History. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107: 1179–1201. 

Putnam, A. S. Endyke, A. Jones, L.A. Lockwood, J. Taylor, M. Albert, M.D. Staudinger. 2024. Historical Insights, Current Challenges: Tracking Marine Biodiversity in an Urban Harbor Ecosystem in the Face of Climate Change. Marine Biodiversity, 54: 78.

Brown, C., Wilson, C (eds.) 2024. A Report from the Coastal & Marine Working Group of the Maine Climate Council.

Davis, A., M.D. Staudinger, K. Mills. 2024. Identifying New England’s underutilized seafood species and evaluating their market potential in a changing climate. Frontiers in Marine Science, 10: 1226219. (also see Our Wicked Fish for species climate-informed profiles)

Primack, R.B., A. Gallinat, E.R. Ellwood, A.J. Miller-Rushing, T. Crimmins, M.D. Schwartz, M.D. Staudinger. 2023. Ten best practices for effective phenological research. International Journal of Biometeorology.

Legett, H., J. Lucas, E. C. Craig, M.D. Staudinger. 2023. Variation in isotopic niche partitioning between adult Roseate and Common terns in the Northwest Atlantic. Endangered Species Research, 50:235-247.

Friedland, K.D., E. Adams, D.C. Brady, D. Crear, S. Gaichas, A. Gill, C. Goetsch, J. Gulka, M. C. McManus, E. Methratta, J.L. Morano, M.D. Staudinger. 2023. Forage fish species prefer habitat within designated offshore wind energy areas in the US Northeast Shelf ecosystem. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, special issue on Offshore Wind Interactions with Fish and Fisheries.

Montefiore, L.R., N.G. Nelson, M.D. Staudinger, and A. Terando. 2023. Vulnerability of Estuarine Systems to Water Quality Change Under Future and Climate Land-Use. Earth’s Future, 11(3): e2022EF002884.

Yakola, K., A. Jordaan, S. Kress, P. Shannon, M.D. Staudinger. 2022. Interspecific and local variation in tern chick diets across nesting colonies in the Gulf of Maine. Waterbirds, 44(4): 397-414.

Pendleton, D.E., M.W. Tingley, L. G. Ganley, K. Friedland, C. Mayo, M.W. Brown, B.E. McKenna, A. Jordaan, M.D. Staudinger. 2022. Decadal-scale phenology and seasonal climate drivers of large whale habitat use in a rapidly warming marine ecosystem. Global Change Biology.

Bratton, R. M., H. D. Legett, P. Shannon, K. C. Yakola, A. R. Gerson, M.D. Staudinger. 2022. Pre-breeding foraging ecology of three tern species nesting in the Gulf of Maine. Avian Conservation and Ecology 17 (1):19.

Dalton, R.M., J. J. Sheppard, J. T. Finn, A. Jordaan, M.D. Staudinger. 2022. Phenological variation in spring migration timing of adult alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in coastal Massachusetts. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 14 (2): e10198.

Pershing, A.J., M.A. Alexander, D.C. Brady, D. Brickman, E.N. Curchitser, A.W. Diamond, L. McClenachan. K.E. Mills, O.C. Nichols, D.E. Pendleton, N.R. Record, J.D. Scott, M.D. Staudinger, Y. Wang. 2021. Climate impacts on the Gulf of Maine ecosystem: A review of observed and expected changes in 2050 from rising temperatures. Elementa Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1).

Legett, H.D., A. Jordaan, A. H. Roy, J. J. Sheppard, M. Somos-Valenzuela, M.D. Staudinger. 2021. Daily patterns of river herring (Alosa spp.) spawning migrations: environmental drivers and variation among coastal streams in Massachusetts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 150(4): 501-513.

Staudinger, M.D., A.J. Lynch, S. Gaichas, M. Fox, D. Gibson-Reinemer, J. Langan, A. Teffer, S.J. Thackeray, I.J. Winfield. 2021. How does climate change affect emergent properties of aquatic ecosystems? Fisheries, 46(9): 423-441.

Guckian, M.L., C. Tucker, E. Kiekebusch, T. Klemm, E.M. Markowitz, L. Middleton, A. Wootten, M.D. Staudinger. 2021. Assessing the impact of an online climate science community The Early Career Climate Forum. Weather, Climate and Society.

Weiskopf, S., M. Rubenstein, L. Crozier, S. Gaichas, R. Griffis, J. Halofsky, K. Hyde, T.L. Morelli, J. Morisette, R. Muñoz, A. Pershing, D. Peterson, R. Poudel, M.D. Staudinger, A. Sutton-Grier, L. Thompson, J. Vose, J.F. Weltzin, K. Powys Whyte. 2020. Climate change effects on biodiversity, ecosystems, ecosystem services, and natural resource management in the United States. Science of the Total Environment.

Staudinger, M.D., H. Goyert, J. Suca, K. Coleman, L. Welch, J. Llopiz, I. Altman, D. Wiley, A. Appelgate, P. Auster, H. Baumann, J. Beaty, D. Boelke, L. Kaufman, P. Loring, J. Moxley, S. Paton, K. Powers, D. Richardson, J. Robbins, J. Runge, B. Smith, C. Spiegel, H. Steinmetz. 2020. The role of sand lances (Ammodytes) in the Northwest Atlantic Ecosystem: A synthesis of current knowledge with implications for conservation and management. Fish and Fisheries, 00:1–34

Polland, S.J., Staudinger, M.D., S. Scharf. 2019. Foraging ecology of sympatric pelagic fish predators in the U.S. South Atlantic: interspecific differences in trophic niche within a shared prey community. Marine Ecology Progress Series 631:181-199.

Staudinger, M.D., France, V. Hartigan, E. Jorgensen, H. Judkins, A. Lindgren, E. K. Shea, M. Vecchione. 2019. Ecological roles and trophic diversity of the cephalopod assemblage near Bear Seamount in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 629: 67-86.

Staudinger, M.D., K. Mills, K. Stamieszkin, N. Record, C. Hudak, A. Allyn., A. Diamond, K. Friedland, W. Golet, M. Henderson, C. Hernandez, T. Huntington, R. Ji., C. Johnson, D. Johnson, A. Jordaan, J. Kocik, Y. Li, M. Liebman, O. Nichols, D. Pendleton, A. Richards, T. Robben, A. Thomas, H. Walsh, K. Yakola. 2019. It’s about time: A synthesis of changing phenology in the Gulf of Maine Ecosystem. Fisheries Oceanography: 00:1–34.

Powell, E., M. C. Tyrell, A. Milliken, J.M. Tirpak, M.D. Staudinger. 2018. A review of coastal management approaches to support the integration of ecological and human community planning for climate change. Journal of Coastal Conservation, 1-18.

Bird, C. C. Trueman, A. Veríssimo, S. Magozzi, K. Abrantes, A. Aguilar, H. Al-Reasi, A. Barnett, D. Bethea, G. Biais, A. Borrell, M. Bouchoucha, M. Boyle, J. Brunnschweiller, P. Bustamante, A. Carlisle, D. Catarino, S. Caut, Y. Cherel, T. Chouvelon, D. Churchill, J. Ciancio, J. Claes, A. Colaço, D. Courtney, P. Cresson, R. Daly, L. De Necker, T. Endo, I. Figueiredo, A. Frisch, J. Hansen, M. Heithaus, N. Hussey, J. Iitembu, F. Juanes, M. Kinney, J. Kiszka, D. Kopp, R. Leaf, Y. Li, S. Klarian, A. Lorrain, D. Madigan, A. Maljković, L. Malpica-Cruz, P. Matich, M. Meekan, F. Menard, G. Menezes, S. Munroe, M. Newman, Y. Papastamatiou, H. Pethybridge, J. Plumlee, C. Polo-silva, K. Quaeck, V. Raoult, J. Reum, Y. Eden Torres-Rojas, D. Shiffman, C. Speed, M.D. Staudinger, A. Teffer, A. Tilley, M. Valls, J. Vaudo, T. Wai, R. Wells, A. Wyatt. 2018. A global perspective on the trophic geography of sharks. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2: 299-305.

Powell, E., M. C. Tyrell, A. Milliken, J.M. Tirpak, M.D. Staudinger. 2017. A synthesis of sea level rise and storm thresholds for 44 focal species along the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts: A review of research and application. Ocean and Coastal Management, 148: 75-88.

Duffy, L.M., P. Kuhnert, H.R. Pethybridge, J.W. Young, R.J. Olson, J.M. Logan, N. Goñi, E. Romanov, V. Allain, M.D. Staudinger, M. Abecassis, A. Choy, A.J. Hobday, M. Simier, F. Galván-Magaña, M. Potier, F. Ménard. 2017. Global trophic ecology of yellowfin, bigeye and albacore tunas: Understanding tuna predation on micronekton communities at ocean-basin scales. Deep Sea Research II, 140: 55-73.

Shea, E.K., H. Judkins, M.D. Staudinger, V. Hartigan, A. Lindgren, M. Vecchione. 2017. Cephalopod biodiversity in the vicinity of Bear Seamount, western North Atlantic. Marine Biodiversity, DOI 10.1007/s12526-017-0633-3.

Alexander, K.E., W.B. Leavenworth, C. Hall, S. Mattocks, S.M. Bittner, E. Klein, M.D. Staudinger, A. Bryan, J. Rosset, T. Willis, B.H. Carr, A. Jordaan. 2017. Tambora and the mackerel year: Phenology and fisheries during an extreme climate event.  Science Advances, 3: e1601635.

Beever, E.A., O’Leary, J., Mengelt, C., West, J., Julius, S., Green, N., Magness, D., Petes, L., Stein, B., Nicotra, A.B., Hellmann, J.J., Robertson, A.L., Staudinger, M.D., Rosenberg, A.A., Babij, E., Brennan, J., Schuurman, G.W., G.E. Hofmann. Improving conservation outcomes with a new paradigm for understanding species’ fundamental and realized adaptive capacity. Conservation Letters, 9(2):131-137.

Grimm, N.B., Groffman, P., Staudinger, M.D., Tallis. 2016. Climate change impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem services in the United States: Process and prospects for sustained assessment. Climatic Change, 135: 97–109.

Teffer, A.K., Staudinger, M.D., F. Juanes. 2015. Trophic niche overlap among dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) and co-occurring tunas near the northern edge of their range in the western North Atlantic Ocean. Marine Biology, 162(9): 1823-1840.

Butler, C.M., Logan, J.M. Provaznik, J.M., Hoffmayer, E.R., Staudinger, M.D., Quattro, J.M., Roberts, M.A., Ingram, G.W., Pollack, A.G., M.E. Lutcavage. 2015. Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) feeding ecology in the northern Gulf of Mexico: A preliminary description of diets from the western Atlantic spawning grounds. Journal of Fish Biology, 86: 365-374.

Teffer, A. K., Staudinger, M.D., Taylor, D.L., F. Juanes. 2014. Trophic influences on mercury accumulation in top pelagic predators from offshore New England waters of the northwest Atlantic Ocean. Marine Environmental Research, 101: 124-134.

Staudinger, M.D., McAlarney, R., Pabst, A., W. McLellan. 2014. Foraging ecology and niche overlap in pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales from waters of the U.S. mid-Atlantic coast. Marine Mammal Science, 30(2): 626-655.

Staudinger, M.D., Hanlon, R.T., Mathger, L., K. C. Buresch. 2013. Defensive responses of cuttlefish to different teleost predators. Biological Bulletin, 225: 161–174.

Staudinger, M.D., Carter, S., Cross, M., Dubois. N., Duffy, E., Enquist, C., Griffis, R., Hellmann, J., Lawler, J., Morrison, S., O’Leary, J., Stein, B., W. Turner. Biodiversity in a changing climate: A synthesis of current and projected trends in the United States. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(9): 465-473.

Grimm, N., Staudinger, M.D., Staudt, A., Carter, S., Chapin, F.S.III, Kareiva, P., Ruckelshaus, M., B. Stein. 2013. Climate-change impacts on ecological systems: Introduction to a US assessment. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 11(9): 456-464.

Staudinger, M.D., Juanes, F., Salmon, B., A.K. Teffer. 2013. The distribution, diversity, and importance of cephalopods in top predator diets from offshore habitats of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean. Deep Sea Research II, 95: 182–192.

Staudinger, M.D. Species- and size-specific variability of mercury concentrations in four commercially important finfish and their prey from the northwest Atlantic. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 734-740.

Staudinger, M.D., Hanlon, R.T., F. 2011. Primary and secondary defenses of squid to cruising and ambush fish predators: variable tactics and their survival value. Animal Behaviour, 81: 585-594.

Staudinger, M.D., Juanes. 2010. Size-dependent susceptibility of longfin inshore squid (Loligo pealeii) to attack and capture by two predators.  Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 393: 106-113.

Staudinger, M.D., Juanes. 2010.  A size-based approach to quantifying predation on longfin inshore squid (L. pealeii) in the northwest Atlantic.  Marine Ecology-Progress Series, 399: 225-241.


Borggaard, D. L., D. M. Dick, J. Star, B. Zoodsma, M. A. Alexander, M. J. Asaro. L. Barre, S. Bettridge, P. Burns, J. Crocker, Q. Dortch, L. Garrison, F. Gulland, B. Haskell, S. Hayes, A. Henry, K. Hyde, H. Milliken, J. Quinlan, T. Rowles, V. Saba, M.D. Staudinger, and H. Walsh. 2020. North Atlantic Right Whale (Eubalaena glacialis) Scenario Planning Summary Report. NOAA Tech. Memo. NMFS-OPR-68, 88 p.

Borggaard, D., Dick, D. M., Star, J., Alexander, M., Bernier, M., Collins, M., Crocker, J., Damon-Randall, K., Dudley, R., Griffis, R., Hayes, S., Johnson, M., Kircheis, D., Kocik, J., Letcher, B., Mantua, N., Morrison, W., Nislow, K., Saba, V., Saunders, R., Sheehan, T., M.D. Staudinger. 2019. Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Climate Scenario Planning Pilot Draft Workshop Summary. NOAA Fisheries Greater Atlantic Region Office. 89 p.

Lipton, D., M. A. Rubenstein, S.R. Weiskopf, S. Carter, J. Peterson, L. Crozier, M. Fogarty, S. Gaichas, K.J.W. Hyde, T.L. Morelli, J. Morisette, H. Moustahfid, R. Muñoz, R. Poudel, M.D. Staudinger, C. Stock, L. Thompson, R. Waples, J.F. Weltzin, 2018: Ecosystems, Ecosystem Services, and Biodiversity. In Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States: Fourth National Climate Assessment, Volume II [Reidmiller, D.R., C.W. Avery, D.R. Easterling, K.E. Kunkel, K.L.M. Lewis, T.K. Maycock, and B.C. Stewart (eds.)]. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA.

Jones, K., M.D. Staudinger. 2018. A regional analysis of long-term gray and harbor seal stranding events. DOI Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Report. Amherst, MA.

Thompson, L.M., Staudinger, M.D., S.L. Carter. Summarizing components of U.S. Department of Interior vulnerability assessments for targeting climate change adaptation planning. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2015-1110.

Staudinger, M.D., Grimm, N., Staudt, A., Carter, S., Chapin, F.S.III, Kareiva, P., Ruckelshaus, M., B. Stein. 2012. Impacts of Climate Change on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services: Technical Input to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. Cooperative Report to the 2013 National Climate Assessment. 296 p. Available at:

Book Chapters

Hanlon, R. T., Buresch, K., Moustahfid, H. Staudinger, M.D. 2013. Doryteuthis pealeii, Longfin inshore squid. In: Rosa, R., Pierce, G., and R. O’Dor (eds) Advances in Squid Biology, Ecology, and Fisheries.  Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Hauppauge, NY. (Book Chapter).

Data sets

Staudinger, M.D., Legett, H.. 2023. Regional patterns in isotopic niche overlap between adult Roseate and Common terns in the Northwest Atlantic. U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Staudinger, M.D., Legett, H., Dalton, R., Davis, A. 2023. Massachusetts River Herring Daily Counts and Environmental data. U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Dean, E.M., Cooper, A.R., Wang, L., Daniel, W.M., David, S., Ernzen, C., Gido, K.B., Hale, E., Haxton, T.J., Kelso, W., Leonard, N., Lido, C., Margraf, J., Porter, M., Pennock, C., Propst, D., Ross, J., Staudinger, M.D., Whelan, G., Infante, D.M., 2021, The North American Freshwater Migratory Fish Database (NAFMFD): Characterizing the migratory life histories of freshwater fishes of Canada, the United States, and Mexico: U.S. Geological Survey data release,

Staudinger, M.D., Bratton, R. Legett, H. 2021, Pre-breeding foraging ecology of three tern species nesting in the Gulf of Maine. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,

Legett, H. Staudinger, M.D. 2021. Pairwise comparisons of river herring run dynamics and environmental regimes among Massachusetts streams. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,

Staudinger, M.D., Jones, K. 2021. A regional analysis of long-term gray and harbor seal stranding events and the seasonal migrants. U.S. Geological Survey Data Release,

Online Tools

The Massachusetts Climate Action Tool

Early Career Climate Network