Abedi elected Vice President of IEEE’s Council on Radio Frequency Identification
Ali Abedi, Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering and Associate Vice President for Research has been elected as the next Vice President of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Council on Radio Frequency Identification (CRFID) for 2022-2023 term. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers or IEEE, is the largest technical professional organization in the world with over 400,000 members in more than 160 countries. The IEEE and its members come together as a global community through its robust publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.
The CRFID is one of IEEE’s seven councils covering 14 technical societies including antenna and propagation, circuits and systems, communications, systems, man and cybernetics, ultrasonics, ferroelectric, and frequency control, Vehicular technologies, electronics packaging, engineering in medicine and biology, instrumentation and measurement, information theory, microwave theory and techniques, signal processing, social implications of technology, and solid state circuits societies.
Abedi is a senior member of IEEE and has previously served as Technical Committee Chair for CRFID on the topic of Wireless for Space and Extreme Environments which led to the establishment of an international conference in this area with its 10th edition coming up in 2022 in Canada. In his new role as VP of conferences for CRFID, Abedi will oversee expansion of worldwide conferences in the fields of interest for the council including RFID, IoT, WiSEE, Energy Harvesting, and Digital Twins events.
Contact: research@maine.edu