Share your summer research plans with us!
Every year University of Maine students, staff and faculty spend their summers in locations around the world. We want to showcase how far and wide we go!
Help us by sharing your summer plans on this form. The Fogler Library has teamed up with UMaine Marketing and Communications to gather your stories and share them in displays on campus, on social media and more! We just need YOU to give us the details – and watch for your adventures to be shared in our community and beyond.
We want to know about it all: research, fieldwork, community work and creative activities.
Instructions for sharing digital assets with Marketing and Communications
Where appropriate, we would like to show through photo and video the great work you are doing.
Many of these projects take place far away from Orono but if there are fieldwork sites or other projects happening that our staff photographers can join you in Maine please let us know.
We hope to help tell the story of your research or project visually in both photo and video. This would entail collecting images of both your work and the location in which it takes place. This can be done with a smartphone but if you have access to any higher end cameras that is even better.
Try to identify a small handful of photos and video (maybe 6-8 total) that tell the story of your work and where you are doing it. The photos and video can mirror each other.
The first video should be a brief introduction that sets up the story in a sentence or two:
- Who are you and where are you?
- What is your project about? What is the big question of the big issue you are investigating and why is that important?
- Where and how are you living?
- Beauty of the area?
- How are you eating or sleeping (if this is a fieldwork site).
- Any other interesting scenes or facts that would pique a viewers interest.
We can help with any advice on getting the best shots but in general, solid steady shots without a lot of background noise work best (unless that noise is part of the story).
Rhian Waller from the School of Marine Sciences recently share this video with us that gives you an idea of what a story like this could look like. https://youtu.be/ldzYMu-9lsA
How to share your stories with us
Assets can be shared through Box or a Google drive and sent to one of two address.
- Marketing/Communications email: um.visualmedia@maine.edu
- Ron Lisnet: lisnet@maine.edu