Department News

APAGS 2020 Psychological Science Research Grant Awarded

Clinical Ph.D candidate, Colin Bosma, has been awarded a competitive 2020 Psychological Science Research Grant from the American Psychological Association of Graduate Students for his proposal, “Do Digital Behaviors Describe Individual Differences in Emotion Regulation? Using Smartphone Data to Characterize Physiological and Subjective Responses to Sadness.” The intent of this APAGS-sponsored grant is to fund […]

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Music Training Boosts Cognitive Function and Well-being

For older adults, music training boosts cognitive function and well-being according to a new study led by Rebecca MacAulay, assistant professor of psychology, and Philip Edelman, assistant professor of music education. The study asked whether it was feasible to teach older adults without prior music training how to read music and play the recorder using […]

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Patented Innovation

The University of Maine was recently issued a patent for a device that detects brain injury by measuring sleep movement patterns. This technology will be licensed by Activas Diagnostics, a UMaine spinoff company. The invention is a fitted mattress sheet equipped with more than a dozen sensors that gather information about sleep-wake and respiratory patterns […]

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Catch up with our Clinical Doctoral Program! 

Read the latest news and updates on research, awards, internship placements and post-doctoral fellowships from the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program in the Summer 2019 Newsletter. Summer 2019 Clinical Psychology Newsletter

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