Joel Gold
Joel A. Gold
My primary research is now in the area of hypercompetitive attitudes. In collaboration with my colleague Rick Ryckman, I am presently carrying out studies dealing with aspects of hypercompetition. These studies involve the examination of the behaviors of individuals who have been identified as being either hypercompetitive or not hypercompetitive when those persons are put in situations where they illegitimately can enhance their own scores or in situations where they illegitimately can lower the scores of their opponents.
Recent Publications
- Ryckman, R.M., Libby, C.R., van den Bourne, B., Gold, J.A., & Lindner, M.A. (1997). Values of hypercompetitive and personal development competitive individuals. Journal of Personality Assessment, 69 (2), 271-283.
- Burkle, M.A., Ryckman, R.M., Gold, J.A., Thornton, B., & Audesse,R.J. (1999). Forms of competitive attitude and achievement orientation in relation to disordered eating. Sex Roles, 40, 853-870.
- Ryckman, R.M., Thornton, B., Gold, J.A., & Burckle, M.A. (2002). Romantic relationships of hypercompetitive individuals. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 5, 517-530.
- Thompson, S. A., Gold, J. A., & Ryckman, R.M. (2003). The Simulated Video Interaction Technique: A New Method for Inducing Infatuation in the Laboratory. Representative Research in Social Psychology, 27, 32-37.