Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB)

Institutional Review Board for the Protection of Human Subjects (IRB)


Function: Students, employees, and agents of the University who conduct research involving human subjects must comply with the University Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Human Subjects of Research. These procedures exist for the rights and welfare of the people who participate in UMaine research. No systematic investigation of information obtained by observing or interacting with people, or by collecting and examining any form of identifiable private information about people, may be conducted until the Protection of Human Subjects Review Board has approved the research protocol.

Membership:  Members are appointed for one to three-year terms and may be reappointed to additional terms. All IRB members are formally confirmed by the President (or designee) of the University; any designation must be specific and in writing. The Chair of the IRB should be a tenured faculty member with experience in conducting human subject research. The appointment is confirmed officially by the President or designee and is for two years; may be reappointed to additional terms. A Vice Chair may be appointed, if desired, using the same confirmation procedure.

Current members:

Reports to: Vice President for Research & Dean of the Graduate School