Gateways to Success: Request for Proposals

Gateways to Success
Following Research Learning Experiences, Gateways to Success (GTS) is the second UMS TRANSFORMS initiative we will pilot at UMaine and UMM under the Student Success and Retention thematic area.  The goal of GTS is to increase student academic success and degree progress in the first and sophomore years by focusing on “Gateway Courses.”  These courses have issued a D, F, W, or L grade to ≥ 3% of the combined first-year and sophomore students on campus during one of the past three years.
Funding is available for activities that will help lower the DFWL rate in these courses. Plans are invited for activities proposed between January and December 2023. Promising activities may qualify for a second round of funding in the subsequent year. We are soliciting proposals for activities within the classroom, as supplemental support for a course, as a curriculum revision that will help students meet their academic needs without taking a Gateway course, or through any other activity that will lower the DFWL rate in designated Gateway courses. A full description of allowed activities and the list of designated Gateway courses for both the Orono and Machias campuses can be found here.
There are two deadlines for this solicitation:
  1. October 1st, 2022 – Statement of Intent to Submit (500 words summarizing the proposed activity)
  2. November 1st, 2022 – Full proposals submitted using the required format
Statements of intent, full proposals, and general questions should be emailed to Eden Kalyanapu (