Search for

Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost

A photo of UMaine's Mall in summer


The University of Maine is seeking an innovative, accomplished, and visionary leader who possesses the credentials and experience to serve in this integral role at a land, sea, and space grant, R1 university, and someone who will be able to assist with strategic re-envisioning implementations.


Academic Search is assisting the University of Maine in this search. All inquiries, nominations, and applications will be held in strict confidence.

Although the search remains open until the position is filled, for full consideration by the Search Committee, candidates should submit application materials by Monday, March 10, 2025.

A photo of a woman working on a machine
A photo of students learning in the woods


Although nominations are not required to be considered for this position, leaders who know of outstanding candidates are welcome to submit confidential nominations by sending an email to Please include the nominee’s full name, position, institution/ organization, and email address.


This is a national search with the objective of developing the most talented pool of candidates possible with a goal of announcing the next Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost in time for a July 2025 start.

A photo of three people on UMaine's campus in winter

Search Committee

The provost search committee is composed of representatives from UMaine, UMaine Machias and the University of Maine System.

Committee Co-Chairs

Amanda Klemmer

Faculty Senate President and Associate Professor, School of Biology and Ecology, College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences

Habib Dagher

Executive Director of the Advanced Structures and Composites Center and Professor of Civil Engineering, Maine College of Engineering and Computing

Committee Staff

Tanya Pinkham

Assistant Director for Development and Administration, Institute of Medicine

Committee Members

Henri Akono

Associate Professor of Accounting, Maine Business School

John Bear Mitchell

Native American Waiver and Educational Program Coordinator, University of Maine System; Wabanaki Center Outreach and Student Development Coordinator, UMaine; Lecturer of Wabanaki studies and Multicultural Studies, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Deborah Bouchard

Director of the Aquaculture Research Institute and Associate Professor of Aquatic Animal Health with UMaine Cooperative Extension

Hannah Carter

Associate Provost for Online and Continuing Education; Dean and Chief Executive Officer of UMaine Cooperative Extension

Shannon Coiley

Assistant to the Athletic Director

Kevin Coughlin

Vice President of Enrollment Management

Laura Curioli

President, Graduate Student Government

Sandra De Urioste-Stone

Associate Professor of Nature-based Tourism, College of Earth, Life, and Health Sciences and Assistant Vice President for Research

Justin Dimmel

Associate Dean for Academics and Student Engagement; Associate Professor of Mathematics Education and Instructional Technology, College of Education and Human Development

Emily Haddad

Dean and Professor of English, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Liliana Herakova

Associate Professor, Department of Communication and Journalism, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Eric Jones

Associate Professor of Botany; Co-Chair of the Division of Integrative and Marine Sciences, UMaine Machias

Anila Karunakar

Director for Diversity and Inclusion, Student Life

Renee Kelly

Associate Vice President of Strategic Partnerships, Innovation and Engagement

Ezekiel Kimball

Interim Dean and Professor, College of Education and Human Development

Michelle Rogers

Chief of Staff to the President

Daisy Singh

Dean of Libraries

Jeffrey St. John

Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, University of Maine System

Keegan Tripp

President, Undergraduate Student Government

Yifeng Zhu

Department Chair of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Norman Stetson Professor, Maine College of Engineering and Computing