President’s Messages

Community Message: September 3

Welcome and welcome back to all who are part of the University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias communities. Welcome to those joining us for the first time and to those who are returning for their second — or fifty-second — year. Welcome to whichever of UMaine’s 333 buildings across the state is […]

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University of Maine System Research and Development Plan Update

Dear university communities, At the end of the spring semester, the University of Maine System Research and Development Plan was received by the Board of Trustees and is now available online. I was charged by the Board and former Chancellor Page to lead this initiative. It was developed with input from faculty, staff, students and […]

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Community message: May 7

Dear University Community: What an incredible nine months for the University of Maine, both in Orono and Machias. With Commencement this weekend, the intensity and activity at our two campuses is transforming, according to the long-standing rhythm of higher education. It is a moment for reflecting, resetting, and, maybe, reinventing. Graduating students face a beginning, […]

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Community message: March 15

Dear UMaine Community: It is with heavy hearts that we write today about the horror that has occurred in Christchurch, New Zealand. This sort of hatred violates every instinct we have for love and kindness. This reprehensible violence has no place in our society, and is reverberating across New Zealand and the rest of the […]

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Community message: March 12

To members of the University of Maine community, At approximately 11 p.m. March 11, the University of Maine experienced a widespread power outage with related alarm and system failures. Our dedicated facilities management, student life, campus police and other personnel have been working in partnership with many municipalities and Emera to ensure the safety of […]

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Thanksgiving message from President Ferrini-Mundy: Nov. 21

Dear University of Maine and University of Maine at Machias faculty, staff, students, and friends, Thank you to all for doing what you do to advance our great universities. Your commitment, energy, and ideas are what make UMaine and UMM such wonderful places to be. Rick and I thank you, too, for the very warm […]

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Community message: Nov. 8

I want to take a moment to thank the members of the University of Maine community on campus and statewide for your support of Question 4, the University Workforce Bond. At UMaine and at the University of Maine at Machias, the investment will have a particular impact on students and faculty, and ultimately will make […]

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Town Hall with President Ferrini-Mundy

UMaine and UMM President Ferrini-Mundy and Faculty Senate President David Townsend led a town hall conversation about current and upcoming opportunities and initiatives on Oct. 30, 2018. Transcript David Townsend: Welcome, everybody, to what I believe is the first of its kind, a town hall meeting with the president of the University of Maine, our 21st president. Joan […]

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Community message: Sept. 24

It has been a wonderful experience to get to know the University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias over the past few months. I am especially impressed by the warmth and commitment of all. To know an institution requires knowledge of the people who make the institution work as well as those […]

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Message from President Ferrini-Mundy: Sept. 10

It has been a wonderful experience to get to know the University of Maine and the University of Maine at Machias over the past few weeks. I am especially impressed by the warmth and commitment of all. To know an institution requires knowledge of the people who make the institution work, as well as those […]

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