Deetya Nagri — Video Transcript

Hi, I’m Deetya. I went to Nashua High School South in New Hampshire and I’m currently a freshman at MIT. I participated in JSHS last year and the year before, and I really love my experience. Not only did it allow me to connect with other students interested in scientific research, but I got to hear about really cool projects from all sorts of disciplines of science. I got to learn about things in environmental science and space science and biology that I never would have learned about if not for these poster and oral presentations from my peers. I also love that I could meet industry professionals and scientific mentors that could guide me along my scientific journey and help me improve my presentation skills. I also got to hear about really cool programs both through the DOD and outside of it that I can further explore now in college. Thank you so much to JSHS for all the opportunities it has given me and I really hope you enjoy your experience as much as I do.