Welcome to the Howland Research Forest
Established in 1986 through a partnership between the University of Maine and International Paper Company, the Howland Research Forest is a forest ecosystem research site in central Maine, representing a low-elevation conifer/northern hardwood transitional forest dominated by spruce and hemlock. In 2007, the Howland Research Forest was purchased by the Northeast Wilderness Trust.
Home to the second-longest flux record in the United States (20+ years, since 1996), the Howland Research Forest is a founding member site of the Ameriflux network. Flux data from three towers at the Howland Research Forest is currently shared with this network.
Collaborations between the USDA Forest Service, NASA, NOAA, EPA, the US Department of Energy, Woodwell Climate Research Center, and the University of Maine have maintained an active research program in carbon and nutrient cycling, remote sensing, climate change, and more.