Judy Walker, PhD, CCC-SLP


Judy P. Walker is a Professor Emerita and former Coordinator of the University of Maine Speech Therapy Telepractice Program. Dr. Walker has extensive clinical experience working in medical centers, rehabilitation hospitals, and long-term health care facilities. Her academic and research interests include: speech therapy telepractice, neurolinguistics, and cognitive neuroscience. Dr. Walker established the University of Maine Speech Therapy Telepractice Program whose mission encompasses graduate student telepractice clinical training while providing speech therapy telepractice services to children and adults throughout Maine and at an international school in Fiji. She provides clinical supervision to graduate students in the speech therapy telepractice practicum and teaches graduate courses in traumatic brain injury, aphasia, right hemisphere damage and dementia. Her research focuses on improving the quality of life of people with aphasia and their caregivers through participation in synchronous telepractice groups. She consults with numerous academic programs and agencies who are interested in starting a telepractice program. Dr. Walker has also been invited to write book chapters and give presentations on topics related to the speech therapy telepractice service delivery model.


  • Postdoctoral Fellow (1995) Purdue University
  • PhD (1994) University of Massachusetts at Amherst
  • MA (1985) University of Houston
  • BS (1979) Southern Illinois University at Carbondale


  • CSD 682: Current Issues in Aphasia, Right Hemisphere Damage and Dementia
  • CSD 686: Clinical Practicum Speech Therapy Telepractice
  • CSD 688: Neurocognitive Disorders in Adults

Association Memberships

  • Academy of Aphasia
  • Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
  • American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
    • SIG #2 Neurogenic Communication Disorders
    • SIG #18 Telepractice

Recent Publications

  • Lowman, J., Walker, J. & Houston, K. T. (in press).  Preparing speech-language pathology graduate  students for effective telepractice:  Recommended knowledge and skills.  Topics in Language Disorders.
  •  Macauley, K., Howland, K., Murray, A., Siegel, S., & Walker, J.  (2022). Interprofessional experiential learning through a simulated discharge planning session. Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice, Vol. 27, 1-28.
  •  Walker, J.P.,  Richards, M., & Budway, E. (2021).  Speech therapy telepractice services in Fiji:   A multicultural experience for graduate student clinicians.   Perspectives American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, Special Interest Group 18, 1 – 7.
  • Walker, J. P.(2020). Speech therapy in the virtual world of people with aphasia. In N. Hall, J. Juengling-Sudkamp, M. Gutmann & E. Cohn (Eds.), Tele-AAC: Augmentative and alternative communication through telepractice (pp. 285 – 310). San Diego: Plural Publishing.
  • Walker, J.P. (2020).  Speech therapy telepractice program for a client with aphasia.  In Ryan Branski & Sonja Molfenter (Eds.), Speech-Language Pathology Casebook. (pp. 523 – 531). New York: Thieme Medical Publishers Inc.
  • Walker, J.P., Price, K., & Watson, J. (2018). Promoting social connections in a synchronous telepractice aphasia communication group. Perspectives ASHA Special Interest Group 18: Telepractice, 3(2), 32-42.
  • Walker, J.P. (2018). Speech therapy telepractice program for a client with aphasia. In R. Branski (Ed.), Speech-Language Pathology Casebook. New York, NY: Thieme.
  • Walker, J.P. & Jacques, K. (2016). Speech therapy in a virtual world:  Building friendships in a telepractice aphasia communication group. Frontiers in Psychology
  • Walker, J.P., & Richards, M.B. (2016). Speech-language telepractice 101. The ASHA Leader, 21, 36-37.
  • Walker, J.P. (2015). University of Maine Speech Therapy Telepractice and Technology Program Manual. University of Maine Faculty Monographs. Book 220. Available at http://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/fac_monographs/220/.

Recent Presentations

  • Walker, J. P., & Richards, M. (Presenters).  (2021, June).  Preservice telepractice training at the University of Maine.   [Audio podcast].  In Telepractice Today (Producer), Telepractice Conversations. Retrieved fromhttps://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmxpYnN5bi5jb20vMjcyMzE4L3Jzcw/episode/NDY5MmQ4NWQtODc5Ny00ZTI1LWE1YTctNTBlMGE0OGMyNjhk?hl=en&ved=2ahUKEwithrDkkafzAhVkmuAKHWB3A-0QieUEegQICBAF&ep=6
  • Walker, J.P. (2021, June).  Innovative speech therapy telepractice methods in aphasia.   Invited virtual presentation California State University-East Bay, Continuing Education Series
  • Walker, J.P. (2021, March) Telepractice methods for people with aphasia:  Panel discussion.  Invited virtual presentation 2021 Aphasia Access Leadership Summit.
  • Walker, J. (2021, February). Innovative speech therapy telepractice methods in aphasia. Invited virtual presentation Illinois Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ISHA) 61stAnnual Convention, Chicago, IL.
  • Walker, J. P., Lowman, J., & Houston, T. (Presenters). (2020, June). CSD graduate student telepractice training programs: Impact of COVID-19. [Webinar]. In CAPCSD (Producer), Professional Development Webinars. Retrieved from https://members.capcsd.org/events/Details/csd-graduate-student-telepractice-training-programs-impact-of-covid-19-9012-213027?sourceTypeId=EmailInvitation
  • Walker, J.P. (Presenter). (2020, June). The intersection of telepractice and LPAA: A conversation with Judy Walker. [Audio podcast]. In AphasiaAccess (Producer), AphasiaAccess Converstations.  Retrieved from https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-50-intersection-telepractice-lpaa-conversation/id1166457367?i=1000478157704
  • Walker, J.P. (Presenter). (2020, May). Speech therapy telepractice training programs. [Audio podcast]. In CAPCSD (Producer), Professional Development Podcasts. Retrieved from https://www.capcsd.org/podcasts/
  • Richards, M.B., & Walker, J.P. (2018, November). Cultural Connections in a Virtual World: Graduate Students Provide Telepractice Services in Fiji. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Walker, J.P., Price, K., & Watson, J. (2018, November). Caring for Caregivers of People with Aphasia in a Telepractice Support Group. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
  • Walker, J.P. (2018, November). Speech Therapy in a Virtual World for People with Aphasia. RVA Aphasia Group Support Group, Richmond, VA.
  • Walker, J.P. (2018, October). Speech Therapy in a Virtual World: University of Maine Speech Therapy Telepractice Training Program. 7th Annual Andre R. Hemond Aphasia Retreat, Old Orchard Beach, ME.
  • Walker, J.P., & Richards, M.B. (2018, September). Speech Therapy in a Virtual World. New York State Association of Counties Fall Seminar, Rochester, NY.
  • Walker, J.P., & Richards, M.B. (2018, June). Planning for the Future: Graduate Student Training Program in Speech Therapy Telepractice. Northeast Telehealth Regional Conference, Portland, ME.
  • Walker, J.P. (2018, February). University of Maine Speech Therapy Telepratice Training Program. Blue Hill Memorial Hospital, Blue Hill, ME.
  • Walker, J.P., & Albiston, A. (2017, November). Bringing Aphasia to Life: Graduate Students Engage in Experiential Learning at Aphasia Retreat. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Walker, J.P., & Price, K. (2017, November). Improving Community Integration Through Participation in a Telepractice Aphasia Group. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA.
  • Walker, J.P., & Richards, M.B. (2017, November). Planning for the Future: Training Graduate Clinicians in Telepractice. American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Annual Convention, Los Angeles, CA.