Your First Day
The first day of class can set the tone for the remainder of the semester. This means that, with adequate preparation, you can get students engaged and participating in the learning process from day one.
Not sure where to start? Review our First Day Checklist to be set up for success before you class even begins.
New to teaching your topic?
Remind yourself that, as a graduate student, you have the ability to learn quickly and that it’s OK if you don’t know everything about a subject. If a student asks a question that you don’t know the answer to, turn it into a learning opportunity—tell the class you don’t know, ask pairs of students to discuss what they think the answer is, and then look it up as a group. This will turn what otherwise could be a sticky moment into a fun opportunity for active learning.
Nervous about the age gap?
You might be close in age to your students. This might influence both your nerves and how the class perceives you. Consider wearing an outfit that makes you feel confident. Make sure to get to the classroom early enough to ensure that you’ve addressed any issues with technology that could disrupt the flow of the first day. Think about what you’ll say to the class and practice—to get nerves out of your system before day one.