learning brightspace

The University of Maine uses the Brightspace learning management system (LMS).  You can think of the LMS as a portal for your students to gain access to course content including the syllabus, videos, reading materials, assignments, exams, external links, and publisher content.  Brightspace is packed with powerful tools to help connect students with learning content, create community, assess learning, and meet desired learning outcomes. Below are ways to get started learning about Brightspace. 

The letters D2L above the word Brightspace - a logo

Self-Paced Training

New to Brightspace? We have created a simple asynchronous course built to expose you to some of Brightspace’s fundamental features. You will learn about how Brightspace works and what is possible before starting on your courses.

Faculty and graduate teaching assistants new to Brightspace are encouraged to enroll!

The course is divided into five modules:

  • General orientation and overview 
  • The basics of building content 
  • Creating and grading assignments
  • Building and managing your gradebook
  • Creating and grading quizzes and exams

Did you know?

A well designed Brightspace page is a reflection of your teaching, and can impact students.  Even if you are adopting a course that was built by someone else, it is important to understand how to navigate, make announcements, and keep grades up to date.

Empty Course “Shell”?

If you have one of these, ask around in your department to see if there is any existing content from a previous instructor that could be shared to your course as a base model.

Not seeing courses?

Brightspace course shells are built based on the information that is in Mainestreet. If you are not listed for the course, talk to your supervisor or CITL support staff!

need help?

Email: citl@maine.edu | Phone: 207.581.3333