Shontay Delalue ’00, ’03G
Dr. Shontay Delalue is a higher education administrator and scholar with extensive experience working on issues of diversity, inclusion and global relations. She was appointed as Vice President for Institutional Equity and Diversity at Brown University in December 2017. In her role, she provides strategic direction for a wide range of initiatives to build and sustain a diverse and inclusive environment at Brown that includes diversifying hiring practices, directing pipeline programs, coordinating training efforts, monitoring and reporting on progress related to the campus wide strategic plan (Pathways to Diversity and Inclusion: An Action Plan), and overseeing compliance (Title IX, discrimination and harassment, bias incidents, affirmative action, ADA/Section 504 etc.). She holds an Adjunct Assistant Professorship in American Studies and teaches a course that takes students to Ghana on a biennial basis.
In August 2020, in addition to her role as Vice President, she was appointed as the interim Senior Associate Dean for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion within the Division of Biology and Medicine also at Brown. In this inaugural role, she assists the deans leadership team with laying a foundation of incorporating an anti-racist framework into the curriculum, reviewing and improving the existing hiring practices, developing short and long-term training opportunities, and ensuring a supportive environment for all underrepresented constituents of the medical school community.
In her career, Dr. Delalue has worked in admissions, advising, counseling as well as international and multicultural affairs. She managed the recruitment of students from historically underrepresented groups at the University of Maine. From there, she joined the University of Alaska Southeast in Juneau, AK, where among many responsibilities she directed admissions of the 3 Southeast campuses and ran the dual enrollment program.
Later, she was a counselor at the Met High School in Providence, RI where she mentored and supported hundreds of students, primarily students of color, with their socio-emotional growth, well-being and post-secondary aspirations. After her stint in a secondary school, she returned to higher education and served as the director of the Intercultural Center at Bryant University, where she was the international Principal Designated School Official as well as an adjunct instructor in the sociology and psychology departments.
Dr. Delalue hails from New Jersey and is a proud first-generation college graduate. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Communication and a Master of Education both from the University of Maine. She attended the Harvard University Graduate School of Education’s Institute for Management and Leadership in Education and earned a Ph.D. in Education through a joint program of the University of Rhode Island and Rhode Island College where her doctoral work used critical race theory to explore the dichotomy that arises for African and Caribbean students who are racialized in a U.S. context. She authored a chapter in the book Social Justice and International Education: Research, Practice, and Perspectives published in September 2020 by NAFSA.
She has traveled to 47 U.S. states and over 20 countries on six continents always considering the ways in which local and global means of socialization impact how we see ourselves and how our views of others are formed and maintained.