Social-Ecological System Framework Development

Project Description

Given the project’s commitment to multidisciplinary research, SEANET researchers are developing a Social-Ecological Systems (SES) framework to provide basic vocabulary and a conceptual view of the system necessary to enable communication of research goals and data, and to more generally organize and guide the diverse research directions being undertaken across the large project. SEANET’s SES Framework is based on the SES Framework developed by Dr. Elinor Ostrom and colleagues. Following Ostrom et al.’s framework, SEANET SES researchers identified relevant Tier-2 variables expected to be important for sustainability of aquaculture in Maine. SES relevant hypotheses generated through collaborative discussions across themes are being explored and analyzed using data generated by theme researchers. Questions and hypotheses relate to the sustainability and carrying capacity of sustainable ecological aquaculture. Sustainability of aquaculture is viewed as requiring an economically viable aquaculture industry in which sociocultural and ecological damage is minimized, while carrying capacity refers to the limit of the system with respect to its ecological/biophysical and socioeconomic dimensions. Sub-hypotheses related to sustainability and carrying capacity have been identified, which guides research into factors influencing inter- and intra- bay variability of aquaculture across Maine in consideration of social and biophysical conditions. Researchers are also identifying SES “stories” that use the framework to qualitatively describe SEANET research linkages and implications across the SES. Workshops are held at least twice a year to advance the SES Framework and provide opportunities for researchers to collate the data needed to test or explore hypotheses as data are available, as well as to modify SES hypotheses, protocols and methods as needed. Project members are also building capacity in SES research through knowledge sharing events (seminars, courses, etc.) and engagement with external SES experts.