Scallop Equipment

Lead PI: Hugh Cowperthwaite

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Co-PI: Dana Morse

Project Team: Hugh Cowperthwaite, Coastal Enterprises, Inc.; Dana Morse, Maine Sea Grant

Abstract: Atlantic sea scallops are growing in popularity for Maine growers to cultivate and offer new species. Since no hatchery exists, growers must collect seed themselves or purchase from one known Casco Bay grower who offers seed. Typically, this grower will ask for seed orders in the fall and set enough gear to supply farmers in the spring with their orders. On the vessel seed sorting involves multiple challenges with labor, deck space and scale of operations. With the help of an onboard scallop seed sorter, efficiencies could be gained for the grower and enable him to increase production. The project concept is to purchase a used or new scallop seed sorter from Atlantic Canada. While this equipment would benefit one business directly, the implications of having the equipment in Maine would scale seed availability exponentially. Assisting the one proficient business will essentially “seed” many other businesses seeking entry or expansion in scallop aquaculture. Using a more innovative seed sorter would also mean there are fewer spat collection bags/lines in the water and reduce gear and social conflicts.

Project Dates: September 2022 – August 2023

Project Funding: Maine Aquaculture HUB