June 26th 1-4 pm | Topsham, ME | Registration link forthcoming
What can land caretakers do in the face of EAB?
The Ash Protection Collaboration Across Wabanakik will offer a training session for land trust staff and MLTN conference attendees about the various actions that can be taken to protect this culturally significant species from EAB. During the session participants will learn how to ID the three kinds of ash, monitor for Emerald Ash Borer, and collect ash inventory data from Tyler Everett, citizen of Mi’kmaq Nation, Passamaquoddy Forester, and UMaine PhD Student. PhD candidate Emily Francis will demonstrate how to scope for seed-bearing trees and plan for ash seed collection in the Fall. Professor John Daigle and Master’s Student Ella McDonald will discuss how to get involved in APCAW’s larger movement to protect this culturally important species and share access with Wabanaki basketmakers.