New Publication: Managing Northeastern Forests Threatened by Emerald Ash Borer
Members of the APCAW lab John Daigle and Tyler Everett recently co-authored a publication with a number of partners from Akwesasne Mohawk Tribe, US Forest Service, other Universities, and the Forest Stewards Guild about the adaptive strategies available to manage ash as EAB takes its toll on Northeastern forests. The information in this publication is intended to be accessible to members of the general public and landowners who are seeking solutions to manage EAB. Paul Catanzaro, one of the co-authors from UMass Amherst, comments on the new piece:
“Our new publication Managing Northeastern Forests Threatened by Emerald Ash Borer describes adaptive strategies available to address the loss of ash from our forests as well as opportunities to help ash species survive EAB. It’s not too late, so don’t give up! We must be proactive while there is still ash and opportunities to sustain it.”
You can access and read the publication here.