Event Details

This bootcamp is a joint effort between the Sekeh Lab at the University of Maine, and Northeastern’s Roux Institute.

Collaboration Logo of Sekeh Lab, UMaine, and The Roux Institute

Graduate students from the Sekeh Lab will present a series of tutorials, with Faculty from Universities and Principle Scientists from Industries giving talks on Deep Learning and AI.

Tutorial #1: Introduction to Machine Learning (Lecture)
Instructor: Mahsa Mozafarinia

Mahsa Mozafarinia Photo

This tutorial covers basic concepts on supervised learning such as classification and regression. The students learn risk function, classifier, loss function, and optimal solutions. 

Tutorial #2: Introduction to Python Programming (Practicum)
Instructor: Sepideh Neshatfar

Sepideh Neshatfar Photo

This tutorial focuses on python programming with introduction to numpy, and SKlearn library. The SKLearn lab will teach students how to import data such as MNIST (via a Google Colab Notebook) with emphasis on how to improve classifier performance, then time for students to try their own classifiers on a separate sentiment analysis task.

Tutorial #3: Introduction to Neural Network and Backpropagation (Lecture)
Instructor: Mary Wisell

Mary Wisell Photo

This tutorial covers an introduction on multiple layer perceptron (MLP), initialization, stochastic gradient descent method, effect of learning rate on convergence, Stopping criteria, and backpropagation rule. 

Tutorial #4: Deep Neural Network Pytorch Programming (Practicum)
Instructor: Soheil Gharatappeh

Soheil Gharatappeh Photo

This practicum lab will have a tutorial on PyTorch and how to build feed-forward deep neural nets for the same tasks as in the Sklearn lab (with emphasis on how to improve performance). A part of the tutorial is for students to try to build their own network for the separate classification task.

Tutorial #5: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) Pytorch Programming (Practicum)
Instructor: Josh Andle

Josh Andle Photo

This practicum lab will have an introductory tutorial on training well-known Convolutional neural networks such as AlexNet, VGG, or ResNet with providing debugging tips and troubleshooting skills. A part of the tutorial is for students to try to train their model for the separate classification task. The students may try to tune a subset of CIFAR10.

The bootcamp includes the following talks from members of academia and industry

A crowd of attendees watches a panel of speakers being introduced at an A I event.

Talk 1: Deep Learning with Shallow Data
Speaker: Sarah Ostadabbas

Talk 2: Egocentric Audio-Visual Scene Understanding
Speaker: Chenliang Xu

Talk 3: This Looks Like That — Interpretable Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Applications in Medical Image Analysis
Speaker: Chaofan Chen

Talk 4: MultiModal ML: The Why and How of Leveraging Multiple Data Modalities
Speaker: Suren Kumar

Talk 5: Neural Networks and Inverse Problems
Speaker:  Paul Hand

Talk 6: AI to AX: Artificial Intelligence to Artificial Experiences
Speaker: Nimesha Ranasinghe