Salimeh Yasaei Sekeh
Assistant Professor at University of Mainesalimeh.yasaei@maine.eduTitle: Welcome-Era of AISekeh biography
Chaofan Chen
Assistant Professor at University of Mainechaofan.chen@maine.eduTitle: This Looks Like That — Interpretable Deep Learning for Computer Vision and Applications in Medical Image AnalysisChen biography
Paul Hand
Associate Professor at Northeastern Universityp.hand@northeastern.eduTitle: Neural Networks and Inverse ProblemsHand biography
Suren Kumar
Principal Applied Scientist at AmazonTitle: MultiModal ML: The why and how of leveraging multiple data modalitiesKumar biography
Sarah Ostadabbas
Assistant Professor at Northeastern Universityostadabbas@ece.neu.eduTitle: Deep Learning with Shallow DataOstadabbas biography
Nimesha Ranasinghe
Assistant Professor at University of Mainer.ranasinghe@maine.eduTitle: AI to AX: Artificial Intelligence to Artificial ExperiencesRanasinghe biography
Chenliang Xu
Associate Professor at University of Rochesterchenliang.xu@rochester.eduTitle: Egocentric Audio-Visual Scene UnderstandingXu biography