Opportunities for Engagement

While the University of Maine Board of Visitors is not a governing body, they serve an essential role as advisors to the President and as ambassadors for Maine’s flagship institution of higher education.  Over time, we hope that members of our Board will direct their skills, knowledge, experience, personal and professional networks and other resources to:

  • Assist us with student recruitment, by reaching out to prospective students and those who influence them.
  • Strengthen our research programs, by helping us to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships with companies and other key organizations in Maine, our nation, and our world.
  • Increase the private support that is available to further the mission of UMaine, by helping us to develop and deepen our relationships with alumni and other constituents while setting an example through personal philanthropy that is as generous as possible.
  • Help us with our governmental affairs program, by advocating for the University of Maine with key elected officials including our state’s legislature.
  • Share relevant, specialized professional expertise in areas such as marketing, finance, information systems, and human resources.
  • Connect our students with internships, job placement, and other mentoring and career opportunities.

BOV members are also invited to assist with the University of Maine’s Blue Sky Plan by participating in focus group(s) or Pathways committees.