
Annabelle Collins:

I love the white noise of the HVAC system.

When the HVAC system is shut down and the entire building is quiet, you don’t know what to do.

You’re like, something is wrong here.

And it is, they’re supposed to be running.

I’m Annabelle Collins, I’m from Jay, Maine

and I’m a mechanical engineering technology student.

So when I was a little kid, instead of going daycare, I would hang out with my grandparents.

My grandfather was a carpenter and I would just build stuff with them.

Like, it really got me in the building mindset of things.

And then when I continued over to college, I started MEE, mechanical engineering for a couple years, switched over to business management where I thought the management aspect would help me out.

a wee bit more, but ended up settling on MET, mechanical engineering technology.

I find it’s kind of the best of both worlds.

You get that management and manufacturing aspect.

I walk in and I’m like, huh, do I wanna go in the wood shop or the metal shop today?

So by day I’m an engineering student and by night I get to enable the student section with a pep band and I love it.

The student section loves it, the rest of the fans love it and I sure hope the team loves it too.

We are just a whole bunch of students that want to enjoy our free time and being in pep band it’s…it’s all about the bigger picture.

You know music, we’re supposed to kind of be in the background but pep band we we just work together to make our team play the best that they can and make sure that everyone else has a great time with it.

And coming to UMaine I knew I wanted to stay musical in some sense you know a singular pep band player is a gear a singular engineer is a gear of a bigger picture once you have all those gears together they just create the energy and if you’re not loud play louder in the case that you’re a trumpet then lower down a little bit.

When winter comes around and you get those like five foot tall bankings perfect!

I like to compare them like when I see a snow baking taller than my car I get a wee bit like concerned and I just like slowly drive by because you never know if somebody’s just gonna slide down.