New Graduate Student Checklist

Not sure where to begin? Here’s a quick checklist of the steps to complete right away to get your first year as a grad student at UMaine off to a great start.

1.) Preparing to Enroll


A University of Maine System (UMS) account is used to access system-wide technology services such as myUMaine Portal, MaineStreet, and your email accounts. These accounts are universal across all seven UMS campuses.

Learn more about the portal, MaineStreet, and how to maintain your UMS account.


Once you’ve activated your UMS account, be sure to sign in to your MaineStreet account, navigate to the Student Service Center, and complete your Financial Terms and Conditions. You will not be able to enroll in classes without completing this step.


The University of Maine requires the submission of official immunization records before enrollment. All questions regarding immunization should be directed to the Office of Student Records at 207.581.1288 or via email to


Check your acceptance letter to see whether you need to have official versions of your transcript or test scores sent to the Graduate School. Remember, official documents are ones sent directly from your school, clearinghouse, or testing agency to the Graduate School. Failure to provide these official documents promptly will prevent you from being able to register for classes. For expedited processing, direct electronic transcripts to

Hard copies of transcripts can be sent to:
Attn: Debbi Clements
University of Maine
Graduate School
5775 Stodder Hall
Orono, ME 04469-5775   

For test scores, contact ETS to request that your scores be sent to: the University of Maine, institution code 3916.


All non-international graduate students enrolled in 6 credit hours or more are eligible to enroll in the University of Maine System’s voluntary health insurance plan. Plan and enrollment information is available at Gallagher Health. Health insurance is required for all graduate, teaching, and research assistants, fellows, and international students. Eligible students with adequate health insurance must complete the online health insurance waiver process to opt out of the plan. 


Newly admitted students will register for their first semester of classes through the Graduate School by submitting a registration form. After the first semester, you will be able to register yourself in the MaineStreet Self-Service Center.

2.) Funding your graduate education

enter your anticipated resources

Make sure to complete this step at the earliest opportunity to avoid a late fee. If a 3rd party — an assistantship, military benefits, your employer, or a loan for example — is paying for your tuition and/or fees, you will want to enter the amount the 3rd party is paying into anticipated resources. Tuition bills are generated on a schedule. If a bill has not yet been generated for your tuition, visit the Bursar’s Office Website to see an estimate of the potential charges.

if you have an assistantship, complete your i-9

Once your appointment form is completed and processed by payroll, you will receive an email confirming that your job is activated in MaineStreet and outlining the next required steps. You will then complete the first portion of the online I-9 via MaineStreet > Employee Self-Service > Personal Details. When the first portion of your I-9 is completed AND the job is activated in MaineStreet, you will then go in person to the Office of Student Employment in Wingate Hall with your documents so that they can verify and complete the second portion of the I-9. More information about mandatory paperwork can be found on the Student Employment website.

if you don’t have funding yet, research your funding options

Visit the Graduate School’s webpage about funding options to learn about assistantships, scholarships, fellowships, and grants.

3.) Preparing for your campus experience

Stodder hall

In addition to the information available on this website, we will also be providing an information session in August for new graduate students. Check back for more information about orientation and other events on campus for new students.

New Student Orientation

The Mobile MaineCard is the only credential you will need to access facilities, services, and optional spending accounts while on campus. Online students can send in a photo for their ID, more information available here.

mainecard Website
Blooming tree infront of brick building

There are many resources for housing at UMaine. Check out the Grad Life section of the orientation site for more information.

Grad Life

If you plan to have a car on campus, you will need to obtain a parking permit. If you will only be on campus in the evenings or once a week, find out if obtaining a UMaine visitor pass is right for you. You’ll also need to know where to park on campus – click here for a downloadable parking map.

UMaine Parking
Top down photo of laptops and other technology

Access the Wi-Fi and set up your laptop to print on campus. You can also reach out to 207.581.2506, 800.696.4357, or if you have any IT-specific questions

graduate school orientations

New Teaching Assistant Orientation
Wednesday, August 28, 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. @ TBD

This event is the place for new TAs to learn about what teaching at UMaine entails, and provides a chance for you to meet and network with fellow TAs.

New Graduate Student Orientation
Thursday, August 29, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. @ 316 Aubuert Hall

This information-filled day is a great chance to start your graduate school experience off right. Participants will

  • Meet Graduate School staff and members of the Graduate Student Government
  • Learn research tips and tricks
  • Learn how to find funding
  • Learn how to take care of your mental health during your graduate school career and beyond
  • Learn about Diversity, Equity & Inclusion and Student Life resources

additional trainings and orientations around campus

More information will be added here as it becomes available.

New STEM Teaching Assistant Orientation
Friday, August 30, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. @ TBD

This STEM-specific orientation will focus on teaching strategies and approaches that are effective in supporting student learning. During this workshop, you will learn about facilitating small and large group discussions with students, discuss features of teaching as part of a multi-section course, practice your first few minutes of class, and meet with the faculty supervisor (and other TAs) for your course. This session is in addition to the general orientation held on Wednesday, August 28.

Need to learn Brightspace as an instructor?

The University of Maine uses the Brightspace learning management system (LMS). You can think of the LMS as a portal for your students to gain access to course content including the syllabus, videos, reading materials, assignments, exams, external links, and publisher content. Sign up for an asynchronous online course with optional synchronous Q&A to help you get started.