Contact With the Supernatural

Rituals involving shark teeth or stingray spines as bloodletters were directed toward establishing contact with the supernatural. Heavy ceremonial drinking an the use of various plants to induce hallucinations have also been used in the Americas for the same purpose. Trance-producing substances were used in pre-Columbian Colombia and Costa Rica but use of hallucinogenic substances is not clearly indicated for Panama, although heavy ceremonial drinking did occur. At the time of the Spanish conquest, however, tobacco, which can facilitate trace, was smoked in the form of cigars so large (two or three feet long and as thick as a man’s wrist) that an assistant was required to hold them and to puff smoke which the imbiber inhaled and possibly swallowed. Tobacco and other hallucinogenic plants can also be ingested as muff.

Several types of Panamanian vessels directly or indirectly may reflect use of hallucinogens or trance enhancers. Small globular jars with short necks and narrow aperture possibly may have been used as snuffers. Larger open-mouthed carafes with long thin spouts may have served this purpose, too. Their overall shape is somewhat suggestive of snuffers from Costa Rica. Conceivably small, flat-topped pedestal plates were used to hold snuff that would have been ingested by nose tubes, somewhat as Columbus observed in Hispaniola.

Pedestal plates are also suggestive of mushrooms, a widely used form of hallucinogen which have been identified on gold pieces from Colombia. Panamanian pedestal plates share a number of similarities particularly with gill mushrooms of the genus Amanita. (This genus includes Amanita muscoria, the hallucinogenic fly agaric). For example, the flat, concave top of the plates correlates with the often Fla or depressed shape of the mushroom cap which sometimes has an upturned rim; the stem of the mature Amanita is hollow, as are the pedestal portions of the ceramic plates; the thickened, bulbous base of the mushroom stem is suggested b the flare at the bottom of the pedestal; the cap of the mushroom is shiny, as were the pedestal plates when glazed, and colored red to orange, yellow or whitish, not unlike the base or ground color of pedestals and plates. Conceivably the whitish remnants or scales of the universal veil that “spot” the cap of the mushroom could be compared, in a sense, to the decorating of the pedestal plate with specific designs.

The suggested relationship between design and a possible hallucinogenic medium is not entirely fanciful, for many native peoples of Tropical America maintain that the designs they use to decorate house walls, basketry, ceramics are inspired by and based upon hallucinatory experiences. Similarly, Spanish observers in 16th century Panama noted that when supernatural spirits appeared to religious leaders they assumed a variety of forms and colors which were then depicted in figures of gold relief and carved on wood.

Cocle polychrome ceramic effigy jar. Parita type, Ortiga variety. Effigy head with red painted mask around eyes, tall spout with red and black rings. Conte or Macaracas. Significance of effigy heads not clear. The claws above the forehead may identify this creature as an animal. The back is decorated with a Y-element, whose tail is an iguana-boa head with an open mouth and teeth, horizontal eye slits and eye stripes. Therefore, the effigy may be an anthropomorphic form of the iguana-boa.

Polychrome Ceramic Effigy Jar

A.D. 1000-1200

Parita Period

Ortiga Variety


Cocle miniature ceramic double-spouted jar.

Polychrome Ceramic Jar

A.D. 1300-1520

El Hatillo Period


Cocle miniature polychrome ceramic double-spouted jar. This spouted carafe with panels of Y-element profiled heads of pointy-nosed and curly crested creatures may have functioned as a snuffer. The overall Y-element design seems to portray a crested double-headed creature related to a serpent. Suggestions of limb articulations appear as gaps along the body of the serpent.

Polychrome Ceramic Sprouted Jar

A.D. 600-800

Conte (Early ConclÈ) Period

Sitio Conte, ConclÈ


Cocle polychrome ceramic effigy jar. Macaracas type. The arms and chest band contain clawed Y-elements in what may be boa ovals.

Polychrome Ceramic Effigy Jar

A.D. 800-1000

Macaracas (Late CoclÈ) Period

Macaracas Type


Polychrome Ceramic Pedestal Bowl

A.D. 600-800

Conte (Early ConclÈ) Period

Sitio Conte, ConclÈ


Cocle miniature polychrome ceramic pedestal plate. Pica Pica variety. This is miniature pedestal plate may have been used to hold a powdered snuff and probably represents a mushroom with a flat cap. The design on the top of the plate features a central bar as a serpent with boa ovals and rectangles represented by alternating red and cream bands. Adjacent hemispheres each contain a "Y" element with a claw or a curly crested "Y" element head and tail. In either case, an animal kenning is encased within boa ovals.

Polychrome Ceramic Pedestal Plate

A.D. 800-1000

Macaracas (Late CoclÈ) Period

Pica Pica Variety


Cocle miniature polychrome ceramic pedestal plate. Macaracas type, Pica Pica variety. 
The shape possibly represents a flat-capped mushroom. "Y" element animal kennings adorn the four paneled sections. The sections are positioned in a manner suggesting the heads and tails of two "Y" shaped elements.

Polychrome Ceramic Pedestal Plate

A.D. 800-1000

Macaracas (Late CoclÈ) Period

Pica Pica Variety


Cocle miniature polychrome ceramic pedestal plate. Pica Pica variety. "Y" element animals appear in four paneled sections.

Polychrome Ceramic Pedestal Plate

A.D. 800-1000

Macaracas (Late CoclÈ) Period

Pica Pica Variety


Cocle miniature polychrome ceramic bottle. Pica Pica variety. A narrow-mouthed vessel modeled after a gourd, probably used as a snuffer. Red bands with jagged edges on the side panels indicate the boa motif.

Polychrome Ceramic Bottle

A.D. 800-1000

Macaracas (Late CoclÈ) Period

Pica Pica Variety


Cocle polychrome ceramic bottle. Calabaza type, Calabaza variety. This tall-necked jar is decorated with abstract head and tail panels as well as Y-element based claws on the side of panel. The jagged bands around the neck of jar refer to the "energy" associated with the boa as life-source or to related natural phenonmenon.

Polychrome Ceramic Bottle

A.D. 1000-1300

Parita Period

Calabaza Variety


Gold Headband, Plaques, and Necklace

A.D. 400-1100

Sitio Conte, ConclÈ Conte Style

HM5167, HM5158, HM5159, HM5156