Maine Indian Basketmakers Holiday Market RVSP
Dolly Barnes, Passamaquoddy
Decontie and Brown, Penobscot
Doris Chapman, Passamaquoddy
Mary Creighton, Passamaquoddy
Jacob Cunningham, Penobscot
Pam outdusis Cunningham, Penobscot
Barry Dana, Penobscot
Dale Dana, Passamaquoddy
Linda Dana, Passamaquoddy
James Francis, Penobscot
Gabriel Frey, Passamaquoddy
Jeremy Frey, Passamaquoddy
Suzanne Greenlaw, Maliseet
Wendy Hamilton, Penobscot
Eldon Hanning, Micmac
Frank Hanning, Micmac
Hawk Henries, Nipmuck
Sierra Henries, Nipmuck
Charlie and Susan Hinkel, Wooden Way Creations, Passamaquoddy
Debbie Huston, Penobscot
Butch Jacobs, Passamaquoddy
Kenny Keezer, Passamaquoddy
Natalie Dana Lolar, Passamaquoddy/Penobscot
Jo-Ellen Jamieson Loring, Penobscot
Nicole Johnson, Penobscot
Brenda Moore-Mitchell, Passamaquoddy
Geo Neptune, Passamaquoddy
Jennifer Neptune, Penobscot
Peter Neptune, Passamaquoddy
Kira Neptune, Passamaquoddy
Martha Newell-Bassett, Penobscot
Mary Newenham, Micmac
Debbie Nicholas, Passamaquoddy
Molly Neptune Parker, Passamaquoddy | Passamaquoddy Maple
Nutokehkimucik Youth Art Lab, Passamaquoddy |
Butch Phillips, Penobscot | Gayle Phillips, Penobscot
Ann Pollard-Ranco, Penobscot
Rolfe Richter, Passamaquoddy
David Sanipass, Micmac
Donna Sanipass, Micmac
Mary Sanipass, Micmac
Tim Shay, Penobscot
Michelle Smiley, Passamaquoddy
Sarah Sockbeson, Penobscot
Hilary Sockbeson, Penobscot
Donald Soctomah, Passamaquoddy
Frances Soctomah, Passamaquoddy
Kevin and Eleanor Stevens, Passamaquoddy
Jeremy Violette, Penobscot