The Art of the Sacred

Image of bronze casting on blue background. Casting shows multi-armed deity surrounded by flames.

From 1963 to 2019, Doug Allen, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy did research in India on religion and the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi. He made over 20 trips to India, including stays in Calcutta, Bombay, Mumbai, Madras and Bangalore. While in India he acquired sacred art featured here as part of his research- art he often shared with the UMaine students he taught. 

Hinduism is the major religion of India and the third largest religion in the World. The three major deities of Hinduism are Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver, and Shiva the Destroyer. There are also many minor deities— some of which are represented here. These pieces were traditionally found in temples or in home altars

Image of a fan in a frame. The fan is wooden and is painted with a multi-armed deity.

Thai Temple Fan
20th Century

The fan depicts a Buddhist deity seated in the lalitasana pose.

Image of a cast bronze statue of Shiva with four arms, dancing, surrounded by flames.

Indian Cast Bronze Statue of Shiva Nataraja
19th or 20th Century

This depiction of Shiva, as the divine cosmic dancer, represents Shiva as the divine creator, preserver and destroyer of the Universe.

Cast bronze statue of deity sitting and holding a sword.

Indian Cast Bronze Statue of Manjushri
19th or 20th Century

Manjushri is a bodhisattva, an individual seeking nirvana. He is associated with wisdom and holds a flaming sword to cut down ignorance.

Carved relief of a female deity holding a bow and arrow and standing with a large bird.

Indian Carved Sculpture of Rati
19th or 20th Century

Rati is the female counterpart and consort of Kama, the God of Love.

Cast bronze sculpture of deity - appears to be falling, head-first, with one hand on a small being below them.

Indian Cast Bronze Sculpture of Shiva
19th or 20th Century

In this sculpture, Shiva is bringing the Goddess Ganga, the personification of the River Ganges, to Earth.

Carved stone statue of deity with eight arms dancing.

Indian Carved Basalt Statue of Shiva
19th or 20th Century

Shiva carries a conch shell, water pot, trident, and cosmic fire–symbols of creation, destruction, and immortality.