
Congratulations!  You’ve arrived at the end of the tour.  Isn’t it interesting how much you can learn about a culture just by looking at everyday objects?  Think about what their writing systems, currency and monetary systems, expressions of belief, home design, transportation, clothing, and even their food says about people and their lives!  Anthropologists do everything you did and more!

Activity Time

The most important part of research is pulling together everything you’ve discovered into a final conclusion.  Flip to the last section in your Research Notes (page 17 and 18) and answer the questions!  What did you learn during these activities that surprised you the most?  Of all the activities, which was your favorite and why?  If you have time, go back to the questions at the beginning of the packet and look over your answers again.  Would you still answer those questions the same way, or has your opinion changed?

We hope you had a wonderful time, and that we get to see you in person at the Hudson Museum some day!  There’s always more to learn, so get out there and do some research!



We’d love to hear from you!  If you have feedback on this activity (or just want to share your findings!) email us here.