Maya Numbers Research Results

Image of glyphs on Maya stele
Dates written in Maya glyphs.

Research Results

If you look back at the stele in your Research Notes you will see two sections in the upper-left and bottom-left with square designs in a grid-like pattern.  These are glyphs, the Maya writing system!  The bottom-left section (see the picture to the left) includes dates using Mayan numbering.

The top glyph gives a Calendar Round date of 3 manik 0 pop which would have been February 23, 663.  The next glyphs are a Distance Number which is added to the first date to give a second date.  The number is 9 tuns, 8 uinals, and 13 kins which adds 3413 days to the original date, making the second date June 28, 672.  This second date is important because it marks the end of a Maya Long Count and this stele may have been erected to celebrate the ending of the katun (a period of 7200 days) while the ruler was in power.  

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